Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 December, 2020

Teacher Profile Dec 2020 – Neena Bharani

Teacher Profile Dec 2020 – Neena Bharani - teacher-profile-dec-2020-neena-bharani
Teacher Profile Dec 2020 – Neena Bharani

Click to read in Chinese and Korean

For each newsletter, we will interview a BSB Teacher so that parents and students can get to know interesting facts about our teachers. This month we interviewed Ms. Neena Bharani, Primary Class Teacher and Head of Year 4.

1. What brings you to BSB Shunyi?

I have always had an innate desire to teach abroad and explore the world of international teaching. When I got the opportunity to come work at BSB Shunyi, I jumped at the chance and changed the course of my career. I remember sitting in my classroom in England and showing my class, at the time, the videos of BSB Shunyi and getting very excited about what lay ahead! My children could not believe the fantastic facilities and learning that was taking place at BSB Shunyi.

I was thrilled to become a part of the Nord Anglia family and move my life to China. I had never been to China before this employment, so the move was fascinating and nerve-racking at the same time. My friends and family thought I was courageous for making a move abroad, and I have to say it was one of the best decisions I had ever made.

My time at BSB Shunyi has been amazing!


2.Please describe your role and responsibilities at BSB.

I am a class teacher and also the Head of Year 4 this year, so I have an ample amount of responsibility! My duties as a Head of Year are to make sure the children in my year group are engaged and are enjoying their learning throughout the year. Together with my lovely team, we make sure we create a learning experience which is enriching and memorable. I am also responsible for supporting other staff with their teaching and learning in the school by promoting the 'Elements of a good lesson at BSB'. This year, I am also an active member of the Well-Being team, where I help to improve the well-being of staff members and organise events to bring staff together.


3.What's "A Day in the Life at BSB" for you?

Wow, that's a big question because every day is different at BSB. No one day is ever the same It is one of the fascinating things about working with children, a day you expect to go one way can take a whole different direction with all the incredible learning involved.

One thing that is always constant in my day is greeting my children in the morning. I love seeing their happy faces and see their enthusiasm when they arrive at BSB; I love listening to their stories about their weekends or the evening before. At break times, I like to get out as much as possible and see what the children are doing. I get many children asking me to play with them or show them new games. There's never enough time when it comes to break and lunch, but I guess time always has a way of running away when you're having fun, right? At lunchtime, I like to take time out to have lunch with my team and have a little catch up with them. After a few more lessons, its ASA time or time to catching up with any marking and planning.


4. What do you enjoy most about teaching?

I love seeing the excitement in my children's faces when they have achieved a challenge, and knowing that I have supported them in achieving that challenge, it is gratifying. I love interacting with my children and learning from them, as well. I believe it is my role to support children in their learning journey and provide them with the tools they need to continue on this endless learning adventure. I relish in the moments where I see my children making connections between what they are learning and their lives. I love being a teacher; it's a job I truly enjoy waking up to every morning.


5.Are you involved in any ASAs?

I have taken part in the following ASAs during my time at BSB:

Chess Club: Mr Spooner and I loved this club; we loved watching the children learn the complex game and challenge each other. It was always great fun.

Lego Club – if you know me, you'll know I'm a massive Lego fan, so this club was the perfect match for me. A match made in heaven if I do say so myself.


6. Please tell us about other members of your family in Beijing and any interesting places you've visited in China?


I have been very fortunate to have had my close friends and family come to see me while I have been in China, we have enjoyed exploring different parts of Beijing such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. I am also blessed to have formed strong friendships inside and outside of school.


7. Please tell us about your hobbies.

Well as mentioned above, I love building Lego ornaments, especially the Lego BrickHeadz, meeting friends and going on an adventure, colouring and going for a staycation downtown. I also love watching Disney movies.

Click here to read more about Neena.