Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 November, 2020

What instrument do you play?

What instrument do you play? - what-instrument-do-you-play

For many people, the answer is “I don’t play an instrument.” But not our Primary students! They would love to answer that question!

All Y1-Y6 students at BSB participate in the Primary Instrumental Programme (PIPs) weekly and learn technique on an instrument with a specialist teacher in a group. The foundation for the skills one needs to play most school instruments as well as read simple notation is provided in the recorder lessons for KS1. Students in Year 1 were so excited to start playing. Please ask them how to hold the instrument and which notes they can already play – they are so excited to share what they have learned already! Year 2 students are learning more songs on the recorder and working on playing in time together.

Most of our instrumental teachers have been at BSB for a long time – some as many as 13 years, when the school began. Miss Star, Miss Janice, Miss Sophie, Mr Andrew, Mr Bop and Mr Leo all teach KS1 recorder, and they teach the wind instruments – flute, clarinet, French horn, trumpet and trombone – to KS2 as well. Miss Fiona, Miss Viciya, Mr Baron and Mr Nicolas teach KS2 strings – violin, cello and guitar. What a wonderful opportunity for our students to have so many choices!

Year 3 students will rotate through all eight instruments throughout the year to give each one a good try. Then in Year 4, students choose which instrument they would like to study and develop technique on. Our Year 4s are currently starting their instrument instruction and have really enjoyed playing the cello, the French horn – well, any of them. Our Year 5s and Year 6s are becoming more advanced and playing more difficult pieces in their PIPs lessons. From Beethoven to pop music, the instrumental lesson days mean hundreds of Primary students are playing music on a variety of instruments and showing progress every week.

  • In Year 1 and Year 2, they study the recorder.
  • In Years 3-6, students have lessons on violin, cello, guitar, flute, clarinet, French horn, trumpet or trombone.
  • In Year 3, all students rotate for one month to try out each instrument.
  • In Year 4, they choose which instrument they would like to study in depth and continue with that instrument until the end of Year 6.

Haley Clark

Director of Performing Arts