Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 October, 2020

Primary Years 1 -6 Mitigation Provision

Primary Years 1 -6 Mitigation Provision - primary-years-1-6-mitigation-provision
Primary Years 1 -6 Mitigation Provision

Click to read in Chinese

Dear Parents, 
The Primary school will provide additional teaching and learning time over the course of the remainder of Term 1 to compensate for the disruption to face-to-face teaching last academic year.
Our mitigation provision will be in two formats:

  1. Academic After School Activities (ASAs)
  2. Saturday Morning Activities 
1.Academic ASAs

The programme of Academic ASAs will replace our regular ASA programme, for the remainder of Term 1. The Academic ASAs will focus on the core curriculum areas of English and Maths, reviewing and imbedding key learning concepts and skills from the previous year’s curriculum.
Important details:

  • Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 3.30 – 4.30
  • For students in Years 1 – 6
  • Academic ASAs start: Tuesday November 3
  • Academic ASAs finish: Thursday December 3
  • ASA buses are provided for bus students
  • Parent pick-up will be at the front of school between 4.30 and 4.40

Does my child have to attend the Academic ASA programme?
No, attendance at the Academic ASA is optional. However, a child’s class teacher may recommend that they participate in the Academic ASA programme if they feel that the child would benefit from doing so. Otherwise, it is the parents’ / child’s choice whether to attend or not. Parents are also welcome to seek the advice of their child’s class teacher regarding attendance.
Can my child attend the Academic ASA programme on just one afternoon or do they have to attend both afternoons if they participate in the programme?
Parents can opt for their child to attend one, both or neither Academic ASA option. For example, parents may want their child to attend the English Academic ASA sessions, but not the Maths sessions. This is fine.
If my child does not participate in the Academic ASA programme, will they be disadvantaged?
No, children will not be disadvantaged if they do not participate in the Academic ASA programme. The content of the Academic ASAs will be separate from the in-school curriculum. The Academic ASA programme will provide stand-alone lessons on key aspects of learning in English and Maths from a child’s previous school year.
How will I know what is being taught in the Academic ASA programme?
Prior to the start of the Academic ASA programme, Heads of Year / Department will share an overview of the Academic ASA programme for their year group with parents through Seesaw. This will provide information regarding the teaching focus for each Academic ASA session.
Will there be additional teaching time for EAL students?
Yes, students on the EAL programme will have the option to attend an EAL Academic ASA each week, taught by our regular EAL staff.
Who will be teaching the Academic ASA programme?
The teachers and teaching assistants in each year group will organise and teach the Academic ASAs for the children in the year group. Only BSB Shunyi staff will teach the Academic ASA programme.
Will the Academic ASA programme continue in Term 2? 
Towards the end of the term we will evaluate the impact of the Academic ASA programme and the learning needs of the students in the year group. We will then make a decision to continue the Academic ASA programme, or to return to our regular programme of ASAs, in Term 2.
Below is an overview of the Academic ASA programme for Years 1 – 6, including GPS and EAL:
202010 Year 16 Mitigation timetable EN

Registering for the Academic ASA programme
To register for the Academic ASA programme please select the appropriate link:

  • Registration opens: 12pm Monday October 19 (CST)
  • Registration closes: 5pm Thursday October 22 (CST)

Any questions regarding registering your child for the Academic ASA programme should be directed to Ms Emma Ma

2.Saturday Morning Activities

Primary teachers will be offering a programme of creative and fun activities on a Saturday morning so that our students can continue to explore and develop different passions, interests and skills beyond the scope of the regular in-school curriculum.
Important details:

  • Saturday mornings at school
  • For students in Years 3 – 6
  • Places will be limited though we will do our best to accommodate all children who want to participate in an activity
  • First Saturday session: Saturday November 7
  • Last Saturday session: Saturday December 5
  • Drop off: 9.10am, at the front of school
  • Pick up: 11.45 – 11.55, at the front of school
  • School buses: 2 school buses will be running for students on a Saturday morning for students who live downtown. Please click here to register your child for school transport.


Which activities will be offered on a Saturday morning?
The programme of activities will include:


Who is eligible to participate in the Saturday Morning Activity programme?
All children in Years 3 – 6 are welcome to participate in the above programme. However, as per Mr Thornhill’s previous communication, before parents register their child for the Saturday morning activity programme they must make sure that they have paid any outstanding 2019 – 2020 Term 3 fees. If parents have any concerns or questions about this requirement, please contact Mr Thornhill directly
Who will be running the Saturday morning activities?
All activities will be led and taught by our Primary teachers and teaching assistants. When parents register their child for a Saturday morning activity they will see information regarding the staff who will be leading the activity.
How will I know what my child will be taught during the Saturday morning activity?
Further information will be available for parents when registering their child for the selected Saturday morning activity. If parents require additional information they should contact the lead teacher for each activity as detailed above.
Can my child register for more than one Saturday morning activity?
No, all the activities will be running concurrently so it is not possible for children to participate in more than one activity on a Saturday morning. Likewise, children cannot change to a different activity each Saturday morning. If they wish to participate in a Saturday morning activity they need to select one activity and attend this activity for the duration of the Saturday morning programme.
Will refreshments be provided for students on a Saturday morning?
All students should bring their own water bottle to the Saturday morning activity programme. They are also welcome to bring their own healthy snack such as fresh or dried fruit, crackers, sandwich. School will not be providing any snacks for children, but children can of course access the water stations. Teachers will schedule a short breaktime during their activity when children can relax and have their snack should they wish to do so.
Do students have to wear school uniform on a Saturday morning?
No, children do not have to wear school uniform if they participate in the Saturday morning activity programme. They can wear their own clothes to school, appropriate for the activity in which they will be participating.
Registering for the Saturday Morning Activity programme
Please click here to register your child for Saturday Morning Activities

  • Registration opens: 12pm Monday October 19 (CST)
  • Registration closes: 5pm Thursday October 22 (CST)

 Any questions regarding registering your child for the Saturday Morning Activities programme should be directed to Ms Emma Ma