Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 January, 2020

Teacher Profile Jan 2020 - Miles Doherty

Teacher Profile Jan 2020 - Miles Doherty - teacher-profile-jan-2020--miles-doherty
Teacher Profile Jan 2020 - Miles Doherty

For each newsletter, we will interview a BSB Teacher so that parents and students can get to know interesting facts about our teachers. This month, we interviewed Mr Miles Doherty, who joined BSB this year as our Secondary Head of English Department.

1.What brings you to BSB Shunyi?

I have taught English in all its forms through the whole K-12 spectrum both in Australia and China and spent the last ten years in teaching and coordinating roles here in Beijing. While working in Beijing, I have heard so much about BSB’s excellent reputation. The school's combination of the National curriculum, IGCSE, and the IBDP align well with my teaching and leadership experience. I am delighted to have joined the BSB learning community.

2. Please describe your role and responsibilities at BSB Shunyi.

 As Head of the English Department at BSB Shunyi, my role entails cultivating a positive climate for effective learning of the English language and English literature. The role carries many responsibilities, in fact, too many to list here. However, it is easy to see why English is so valuable for our students as it provides them access to success with almost the entire curriculum. This is especially important in terms of achievement at the IBDP and access to higher learning opportunities beyond school.

3. What is a typical day for you at BSB?

I think a typical day for everyone at BSB is busy with never a dull moment. I like to start my day early and it is great to be able to get in some sort of exercise, whether it be walking the dog at home or a quick kilometre in the school’s pool. Once I am at school ready for work, it is a combination of meeting with team members, department leads, replying to any emails, preparing resources, teaching lessons, observations, grading, and so much more. Every day is a new day, and this means that we can all strive to improve ourselves just a little bit more - every new day.

4. What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Seeing students meet their learning potential and achieve their goals is wonderful. A school is such a great place to improve, grow, and learn. Not just for the students but for the teachers and other members of the learning community too. Schools are where the fabric of learning is crafted and woven to create a better society. Being a part of the student learning journey is a gift that I treasure.

5. Are you involved in any ASAs?

ASAs are an imperative part of the school. So far, I have assisted with a variety of ASAs in Term 1 this year, including football, volleyball, and even some yoga. As the year develops, student ASA needs will move toward IBDP and IGCSE readiness and that is where the English department will be mostly involved with ASAs.

6. Any upcoming student competitions/trips for the English department?

 We have just finished the Global Campus Creative Writing Competition for Key Stage 3 and will be announcing and awarding internal BSB prizes during the school’s Book Week - not long after we come back from the Chinese New Year Holiday in February. Book week? Yes - stay tuned for some cool and rather exciting competitions and activities via the English department revolving around books, reading, and learning.

7. Please tell us about other members of your family and any interesting places you’ve visited in China?

I am from Australia and this is where I met my wife many years ago. She is Chinese and so we have family members spread all over the world, Australia, China, the US, and Europe. We have two lovely, young children who attend BSB’s Primary.

However, having lived in China for ten years, means that I have travelled to quite a few cities and places. It is almost too hard to name just a favourite or two.  For instance, Xian and the amazing Terracotta Warriors, Hang Zhou’s West Lake, San Ya, Dalian, and Beijing itself - just too many incredible places to name.

8. Please tell us about your hobbies.

I have quite a few hobbies that keep me busy outside of work. I like to read when I have spare time - the last book I read was Charlie Engle’s Autobiography, Running Man. I enjoy tinkering with technology - I am especially fond of messing around with Android phones. I love fishing when I am back in Australia - the memory of watching my son catch his first fish with his first cast at my local fishing hole was amazing. I relish the opportunity to watch Australian Rules Football - AFL is such a tough, but exciting, sport to watch. I have a few other hobbies too, but there’s only so much room to write.

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