Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 May, 2019

2019 Global Campus Visual Arts Winners!

2019 Global Campus Visual Arts Winners! - 2019-global-campus-visual-arts-winners
2019 Global Campus Visual Arts Winners!

It is with great pleasure to announce that BSB Shunyi Year 6 student Minjae’s Visual Arts entry, “Let us Learn”, was selected in the ‘Highly Commended’ category on the Global Campus competitions page! This is a great achievement to be selected for special praise, as schools around the world in the Nord Anglia family of schools - 61 in total- submitted their best entries.

Minjae’s artwork “Let us Learn” is a very thought provoking piece of art which asks us to consider Global Goal Number 4 – Quality in Education in the Global Goals’ initiative. Its central idea is that faceless students with no representation and behind physical barriers, may face a lifelong struggle to access ‘Quality Education’.

You can access the competitions page by signing into Global Campus and accessing the Visual Arts Competition 2018-2019 page. It will have the effect of inspiring society to ensure all children have access to a quality education. 

Mr Stephen Casey

Year 5 Teacher & Primary Global Campus Leader

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