Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 February, 2019

2019 Global Campus Visual Arts Competition

2019 Global Campus Visual Arts Competition - 2019-global-campus-visual-arts-competition
2019 Global Campus Visual Arts Competition

The 2019 Global Campus Visual Arts competition is being launched this week in Primary school.  The competition is for

(1) EYFS to Age 8 

(2) Age 8-11 

A brief summary of the competition:


Participating students must submit one photo directly to their teachers or GC Leaders with the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Year Group
  • Age
  • School
  • Title of the artwork
  • Title of the Goal selected (4 or 16)
  • A 50-word description explaining how the artwork fits the selected Goal (how the student chose to interpret the Goal)


  • Only one entry per student
  • Students must represent either
  • Goal 4: Quality Education

  SDG Goal 4


  • Or Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG Goal 16

  • Submissions must be a high-resolution jpg, png or pdf file. No other file types will be accepted (High resolution is at least 300dpi, which is approximately 3MB)
  • Entries must be the students’ own work
  • Schools must submit entries by 22nd March

Please contact Mr. Stephen Casey for more information.