Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 September, 2017

Global Campus Photography Competition – Submit your entry by 30th October, 2017

Global Campus Photography Competition – Submit your entry by 30th October, 2017 - global-campus-photography-competition-submit-your-entry-by-30th-october-2017
Global Campus Photography Competition – Submit your entry by 30th October, 2017

Please click the link below to read this article in Chinese & Korean.

Global Campus Photography Competition – Submit your entry by 30th October, 2017

Please click the link below to read this article in Chinese & Korean.

We are excited to announce that this competition has returned!

This year, we are going to connect the competition theme with the Global Goals for Sustainable Development as they are the ultimate to do list for people and the planet. We will focus on making our cities better places to live and reducing waste by only using what we need.

Our friends at UNICEF are looking for great photographs that they can use to help people learn about the Global Goals, which means that there’s a chance your entry will be exhibited globally!

The theme for the 2017/18 Photographer of the Year Competition is: “Where I Live”

Thinking about the theme   

  • Have a think about the theme (Where I Live) and explore some ideas you might have about how to express this theme
  • “Where I Live” can include landscape photography, buildings, cars, trains, roads – it’s up to you!
  • Have a look online at some photos for inspiration and ideas – or look on GC Online!
  • Take your camera and head outside to take some practice shots.
  • Share your tips on taking a great photograph on the Padlet on GC Online! 
  • Keep practicing until you take the photograph that you would like to enter for the competition.


  • Photographs entered must be your original work
  • You may only send in one entry
  • The digital file must be 20MB or smaller
  • Do not use a filter on your photograph
  • All the required information, including the title of the photograph, location of the photograph, and a 50 word explanation of the photograph, must be submitted with the entry. Entries that are not submitted correctly or have missing information will not be included for judging
  • If the photograph you took is of a person, you must ask them for permission to use their picture in the competition
  • The judge’s decisions are final
  • By entering the competition, students agree that Nord Anglia Education can publish their photographs online and in the “Global Campus Photographer of the Year” calendar

Important things to know

Deadline – 30th  October

Please submit your entry by 30th October to  

  • Secondary: Mrs MacIver in B421
  • Primary: Ms Newman

Any questions, please email

There are prizes available - visit the GC online competitions area to see what you could win!

You can find links to some helpful photography websites on GC online

The winners will be chosen by the judge and published online. The print calendars will be sent around to all schools in December 2017.

Update from:

Mrs. Kaye McIver, Secondary Global Campus Lead, Head of Humanities

Ms. Emily Newman, Primary Global Campus Lead, Year 5 Teacher

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