Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 April, 2024

A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production

A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production | BSB Sanlitun - A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production

Huge congratulations to the pirates and the mer-people in their Year 4 performance of ‘Pirates vs Mermaids’. A tremendous amount of effort was displayed by all as they practised lines, perfected dances, and refined songs.

A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production | BSB Sanlitun - A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production

A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production | BSB Sanlitun - A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production


An important message from the production was embedded during both the rehearsals and live performances – it is always better to work together and that there is nothing to fear, except fear itself.

A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production | BSB Sanlitun - A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production

A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production | BSB Sanlitun - A Swashbuckling Year 4 Production



By Kerry Barnard

Year 4 Storks Class Teacher