Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 January, 2022

Flying Into Our New Topic

Flying Into Our New Topic - flying-into-our-new-topic
Flying Into Our New Topic Year 2 have been loving their new Topic this term, ‘What Makes Someone Inspirational?’.

Year 2 have been loving their new Topic this term, ‘What Makes Someone Inspirational?’. They have been learning about Malala Yousafzai and how she is an inspirational person after she spoke out about the right to education for all around the world.

Year 2 listened to the story ‘Malala’s Magic Pencil’ and came up with many ways they would help others if they had their own Magic Pencil. While reading the story, the children learnt that Malala grew up in the Swat Valley in Pakistan.

This week, we discovered some of the things people in Pakistan do. One of them was a kite festival they hold at the end of January called Basant so we thought we would have a go at making our own kites. Year 2 designed their kites using different patterns and colours and then constructed them using bamboo sticks, tape, tissue paper and string.

Then it was time to head to the playground to test them. The children can’t wait to find out more about inspirational people and cultures around the world. What a great start to Spring Term!


By Emily Kingett

Year 2 Elephants Class Teacher