17 March, 2023

Year 10 IGCSE Performing Arts Evening

Performing Arts Evening

On Tuesday 14th March, we enjoyed a Performing Arts evening provided by our Year 10 IGCSE students in Music and Drama. For some of these students it was the first time they had performed in front of their peers, teachers and parents and so alongside their fantastic performances they were learning to manage any performance anxiety.

A student in the Arts, develops a range of skills and our Year 10 students displayed collaboration, resilience, self-awareness, flexibility, creativity and commitment. During the evening, we heard ensemble performances in the form of bands and piano duets from our Year 10 musicians and enjoyed watching the Year 10 Drama student’s group devised theatre performances. All the performances are part of our students IGCSE coursework and were filmed and recorded for the purpose of their examinations next academic year. It was a fantastic evening and an opportunity for our Year 10 students to showcase some of the fabulous work they have been doing in the classroom over the last few months. A huge congratulations to them all, for providing an enjoyable evening of Performing Arts.


Sarah James

Director of Performing Arts