Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 November, 2022

Hungarian Literary Walk November 2022

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Hungarian Literary Walk The theme of our third literary walk was Radnoti Miklos: one of the most prominent poets of the Hungarian Holocaust.

The theme of our third literary walk was Radnoti Miklos: one of the most prominent poets of the Hungarian Holocaust. We began at the Radnoti statue, fabricated based on a picture of Radnoti in Paris, depicting the young poet as a happy and free individual. We visited the apartment where he was born (Kadar utca 8), the place where he spent his childhood in Falk Miksa utca, then his home he shared with his aunts after his parents’ early deaths.

Finally, we found the apartment where he lived with his wife Gyarmati Fanni, (Pozsonyi ut 1) which was also the place he left for his last forced labour service. His wife never saw him again, as he was shot at the young age of 35 by the Hungarian Nazis. We concluded our walk at the second Radnoti statue of Budapest, which portrays him during his time at the concentration camp.

Anna Piry

Head of Hungarian Department