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Residentials will take place from Monday 13th June to Friday 17th June 2022. I would like to extend a massive thank you to you all for your replies to the correspondence recently sent out regarding this year's Enrichment Week residentials for Year 7-10. From the enormous response we received, approximately 95% of you supported the idea of your children participating in offsite residentials within Hungary this year.
Planning and preparation of the residentials will now continue in full swing!
There were a few questions raised - some of which I can respond to briefly here and others which I will follow up on in future communication.
An information letter with a full and detailed programme including price will be sent to you as soon as the preparations for the residentials have been finalised.
We look forward to your children's participation in what promises to be a great week! In the meantime, please feel free to contact me if you have any further queries.
Kevin Swaine
Co-Curricular Learning Coordinator
Following the postponement of Journey’s End before Christmas, we are pleased to announce the new dates.
Year 9 have been showing their green fingers/thumbs by trying to germinate cress seeds under various conditions, to see what is important for the seed growth.
The British International School Budapest
1037 Budapest
Kiscelli köz 17
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