Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
03 February, 2022

CAS Project Demonstrations

CAS Project Demonstrations Today, Year 13 students presented their CAS projects to Year 12s. The CAS project is a collaborative, month-long project where students address at least two of the three strands of CAS - Creativity, Activity and Service.

Today, Year 13 students presented their CAS projects to Year 12s. The CAS project is a collaborative, month-long project where students address at least two of the three strands of CAS - Creativity, Activity and Service.

It provides an opportunity for students to apply their learning in a real-life context and is often the most memorable part of their CAS programme. 

Just some of the examples of this year’s CAS projects include:

  • Creating a food review blog
  • A charity hiking vlog
  • Hosting a charity auction for an animal shelter
  • Running MUSE journalistic writing workshops for Primary students
  • Running a charity chess tournament
  • Creating a BISB Alumni Blog
  • Podcasting, tutoring and coaching
  • Delivering anti-plastic workshops for Year 7-9 students
  • Holding a sustainability flea market
  • Setting up and leading CCAs such as the computer science club, the Global Goals Debate Club, and the analogue games exhibit. 


Rachel Rhodes

Social Impact Lead