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News image Model Un invitational 6 Blog | News | School News
Model United Nations Conference
On Saturday 30th March, our school hosted its first Model United Nations conference where the Human Rights Council hosted and debated a resolution meeting on the current humanitarian situation in Yemen.
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News image Orchestra Olivia Humphries Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Nord Anglia Europe and Middle East Performing Arts Festival in Bratislava
BISB students travelled to Bratislava on Thursday 28th March to participate in the Nord Anglia Europe and Middle East Performing Arts Festival. We knew that with over 200 students from 13 schools and a concert to put together, it was going to be a busy few days. Over the course of the 3 days, students worked incredibly hard.
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News image margaretisland Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Health & Wellbeing – Move More; Making Use of Lighter Nights
Here at BISB, we are committed to supporting our students and school community to improve their general Health and Wellbeing.  Getting active is one way to do this and there are currently a wide range of native English opportunities to do so, both within our school and across the city.  This weekly feature serves to showcase what is currently on offer to help improve and sustain your activity levels as well as offer some tips and advice on how to adopt healthier lifestyle choices for you and your family.
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News image 20190320_175302 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Year 10 Drama Evening
On Wednesday 20th March, the Year 10 Drama students successfully performed their Group Devised pieces, as part of their IGCSE Drama internal coursework. There were four 15 minute performances, based on a stimulus of their choice. We had an exciting array of different genres and theatre styles. This was their first performance to an audience of peers, teachers and parents. The students did a fantastic job and they should all be extremely proud of themselves, as am I. I look forward to their next performances later in the year.  Mark Randall Drama Teacher
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News image autopsy 1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Year 13 Biology students visited Honved Hospital to view a human autopsy
Our Year 13 IB Biology students were given a rare opportunity to visit the Honved Hospital and attend a human autopsy. As well as complementing the Animal Physiology part of the IB Biology course, this was a valuable opportunity for any student interested in studying Medicine or Biomedical Sciences at university. It also allowed the students to get a better understanding of how the human body works. Below is a summary from two of our Year 13 students, Kavya Francis and Eszter Soós, who attended. Miss Uhure.
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News image IMG_5918 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Choosing A School | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Big Sing Bratislava 2019
On Friday 15th March 2019, ten BISB Primary students embarked on a trip to perform at the ‘Big Sing 2019’ in Bratislava. The event was a great success for all the schools involved. Our students performed admirably and professionally throughout the day and collaboratively worked with students from ten other schools to showcase their work in a concert.
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News image News Default Image Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Report on the Budapest Bike Mafia Coin Race
Our coin race raised 125,220 HUF in total and the Budapest Bike Mafia got 112,700 HUF after bank charges. The money we raised will be used for two projects: ‘Seeds for Hope’ and a sports project. ‘Seeds for Hope’ is a project where homeless people can plant seeds and grow their own food in one of the homeless shelters. The sports project is a project where homeless people can play sports and keep healthy. Report by Katie Veres, Year 5 Cobalt
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News image Hashtagse1509365379646 Blog | News | School News
Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram
Below is a list of some important Twitter hashtags for BISB and some useful tips.
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News image IMG_0499 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Museum day for Year 12 Hungarian students
On Thursday, 28th February 2019, our Year 12 Hungarian students had their yearly Museum day trip. In the morning they visited the National Museum as part of their Hungarian historical studies where they received a guided lesson about the 20-30th years of Hungary called ’the Horthy-era’. They saw the famous historical relics and treasures such as the ’Red map’ which Pál Teleki designed before the peace treaty of Trianon in 1920. They also had the opportunity to try on dresses from that era.
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News image file516 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Choosing A School | Featured | Posts From Our People | Primary School
Year 3 Daffodil learnt about Kandinsky in class
Year 3 Daffodil class continued their Topic work entitled “Paintings, Portraits and Photographs” this week with the focus on abstract artist Kandinsky. The children researched his life and work and then responded creatively to the artist’s favourite music by Richard Wagner. The results are unique and highly creative!
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News image The winners receive medals Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | Posts From Our People | School News
Poetry Showcase
This week we celebrated the creative achievements of thirteen students in Year 7 and 8 who wrote and performed their own poems. Inspired by renowned slam poets such as Sarah Kay and Harry Baker, they took to the stage to perform in a poetry showcase to students in Year 10.  The topics ranged from thoughts on self-acceptance to defying gender stereotypes. It was great to see such heartfelt, imaginative and thoughtful performances!
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News image purposeofeducation Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
The Importance of Complex Communication and Problem Solving Skills
What is the purpose of education? A few answers spring to mind here. Of course, our students are here to achieve good grades in their academic studies that will move them on to the next stage, but the purpose of education is much more than that. It is for the preparation of citizenship, preparation for the world of work, for personal empowerment to make positive choices and to set aspirational goals.
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News image comic strip crop Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
Global Campus Comic Book Competition in Year 1
Congratulations to our Global Campus Comic Book Competition runners up: Tiancheng, Ester, Carmen, Kausar and Edward from 1 Grasshopper class. The task was to create a comic book story about a superhero who saves the planet. The children worked collaboratively and created the superhero character, ‘Sea Saver’. Sea Saver wants to stop water pollution in our oceans once and for all.
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News image ks1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Health and Wellbeing - Fitness fun for Key Stage 1
Fitness fun for Key Stage 1 This club focuses on improving and developing stamina, co-ordination, flexibility, balance and strength in young students. Students participate in a range of different activities each week including traditional circuit training, team and strategy games, and obstacle courses. Each week begins with a warm up and sessions always finish with a short game.
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News image 20190220_1321450 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
Ski Camp 2019
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 BISB Ski Camp organised by Ms Katalin Sziraki and Mr Ferenc Puskas was, for the third time in a row, a massive success. Nineteen lucky students participated in the trip after being randomly chosen because the trip was once again oversubscribed.
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News image ib art show crop Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News | Secondary School
IB Visual Arts, Film and Music Evening - Tuesday 12th March 2019
Join us for our upcoming IB Visual Arts, Film and Music Evening on Tuesday 12th March at BISB Theatre. Doors open at 6.00pm.
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News image BridgetKibbeyHeadshot1600x2000 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News
Ask the Artist - Bridget Kibbey
‘Ask the Artist’ is introducing you to an award winning harpist, Bridget Kibbey. Bridget’s diverse and energetic performances bring the harp to life and her biography on Global Campus Online shows examples of her performing many styles of music; from traditional composers, like J.S. Bach through to contemporary Irish music.
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