This includes our school declaration, transfer statement, documents for your child's academic history and enrolment, and other official records.

1. School Declaration
It is the document that attests the student's legal bond to the school. The document
describes the date of registration, the student's current year of enrollment or the year completed (approved or withheld), the time of study and the RA (registration in the state government system). It can be used for various purposes.
Deadline: up to 5 working days.

2. Transfer Statement
It is the document that formalizes the student's dismissal from our school and attests to the
right to enroll in another one in order to continue the studies, starting from the term /
bimonthly or year where he stopped. The document is indispensable to guarantee the continuity of the study in the correct cycle.
Deadline: up to 5 working days from the official departure date.

3. Certified
It is the document that attests to the graduates of the Year 10 and Year 13, the completion of
the Basic and High School course of the Brazilian educational system. The document is
mandatory for those who enter universities - in Brazil and other countries. The certificate is
contained in the School Record.
Deadline: up to 45 calendar days from the date of completion of the course.

4. School History of Completion or Transfer
It is the document that presents in detail the entire academic trajectory of the student. The document is also indispensable to guarantee the continuity of the study in the correct cycle.
Deadline: up to 45 calendar days from the date of completion of the course or request for
transfer during the academic year.

5. Transcript
It is the document, in English, which presents the results obtained by the student for
application in universities.
Deadline: up to 15 calendar days from the date of completion of the course or request for
transfer during the academic year.

6. Prof of enrolment
It is the document in English that attests the student's legal attachment to the school.
Deadline: up to 5 working days

7. Other documents
Legal guardians may request other academic documents that they need.
Deadline: to be agreed with the legal guardian.

Procedures for requesting documents:

Complete this Documents Request Form

Attention! For the issue of any school document, the student record must contain:

Therefore, we ask that you keep your data and documents up to date with the school office in order to avoid that the deadlines are extended.

The above procedures do not include apostille if these academic documents are for use in another country.

School documents will be issued in 1 (one) copy, up to 3 (three) copies free of charge. Incase those responsible need more copies, they may be charged.


Stay on top of your child’s school day, lunchtime meal, daily dressing in uniform, and transport to and from school by visiting our Parent Essentials page. Or learn about how to get involved with our Parent Teacher Association. We have everything you need to know at The British College of Brazil – all in one place!

Documents Issued by School Secretary | BCB Brazil - 09 - Promo With Collage