Our Pastoral Care Department ensures all students are safe, happy, and learning in a positive environment. It centres around the idea of a continuous feedback loop, so that issues that arise in school and in the wider world inform the curricula and content our teachers instruct in PSHE, Form Time, specialist subjects, and the House system.
A student, for example, might be experiencing challenges at home or school, finding work too challenging, or perhaps missing friends and family abroad. A teacher will identify this and record their concerns using a confidential and secure concerns log. Our log allows the Pastoral Care Leader to see the frequency of different issues, identify triggers and affected students, and track students who need assistance.
This information informs restorative actions that help to minimise future issues. We find solutions to problems so everyone can learn and grow from the experience. We can create management plans for ongoing issues. The main aim of restorative action is to create a positive sense of wellbeing to those affected, while healing and building relationships in our school community.
The Student Council also plays an increasingly important role in ensuring that students' concerns, ideas, and issues are heard and resolved.