09 June, 2022

PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner
What an amazingly fun & sporty week it has been!

Since the last Newsletter, we had a fabulous Jubilee Family Fair where the PTA served up sweet strawberries and cream and chocolate. It was a great day to come back to campus and see everyone’s happy faces as we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

We’ve also had all of the Primary Sports days in this past week on both campuses. PTA Volunteers were on hand to deliver yummy watermelon slices and ice creams for all students, Secondary volunteers and teachers. Thank you to all parents who volunteers and helped make these fun days even more exciting with the scrumptious treats!

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

We have another busy week coming up next week, with Secondary Sports days on Tuesday and Wednesday (ALL ARE WELCOME!!), Lost Property Layout and the Charity collection – details below.

Upcoming events

Monday, 13th June - LOST PROPERTY LAYOUT

All of the unlabelled non-uniform items will be displayed by the Main LIM gates from 2:30-4pm. Please come and claim your lost property – all left over items will be donated to charity.

Tuesday 14th June, all day – Years 7&8 Sports Day on Lim Astro – ALL ARE WELCOME!!

PTA will run the usual snack/tuck shop. Volunteer sign-up sheets are on our Facebook page. JOIN US!

Tuesday, 14th June – DAB Charity Collection – all day

We are collecting pre-loved clothes, shoes, toys and household items (no large furniture please) for the Warsaw Volunteer Mission. Please leave your items by the DAB front office. Thank you in advance for your donations!

Wednesday 15th June, all day – Years 9&10&12 Sports Day on Lim Astro – ALL ARE WELCOME!

PTA will run the usual snack/tuck shop. Volunteer sign-up sheets are on our Facebook page. JOIN US!

Wednesday, 15th June – LIM Charity Collection – 7:45-8:30am & 2:45-3:30pm

We are collecting pre-loved clothes, shoes, toys and household items (no large furniture please) for the Warsaw Volunteer Mission. Please leave your items by the van in the staff car park between Y4 and Y2 gates. Thank you in advance for your donations!


Limanowskiego Campus

Mondays ONLY – 8:00-8:30am (CASH ONLY, NO RETURNS)

Dabrowskiego campus

Uniform can be purchased at any time via Pani Ania in the school office (CASH ONLY, NO RETURNS)


Uniform Donations

Donations are always welcome please feel free to leave them marked as the PTA UNIFORM DONATION in the LIM Main reception area or at DAB school front office. Thank you!


Warm regards,

Your PTA Committee


Jelena Krzanicki

PTA Chair




TBS EYFS/Primary FB Group

TBS Secondary FB Group

TBS PTA Buy & Sell FB Group