12 May, 2022

Growing Things

Growing Things - Growing Things
In Tigers this term, we have been following the children's interest in growing things.

We started off growing beans in plastic bags in our window linked to our story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We talked about the parts of a plant, what they need to survive, and have begun an experiment to see if sunlight is one of those things by growing cress in the window and the cupboard. The children have also been involved in weeding and planting potatoes, onions and garlic in our wonderful outdoor garden area here at Dabrowskiego. They found lots of minibeasts and creatures as well, which has sparked our next interest in living creatures. Spring is such an exciting time to explore the natural world around us.

Growing Things - Growing Things

Growing Things - Growing Things

Growing Things - Growing Things

Emma Smith

Tiger's Class Teacher

Nursery/Pre-Nursery Learning Leader