14 April, 2022

Message from our Head of Secondary - April

Zrzut ekranu 2022-04-14 115437
As we enter the last day of the spring term, my first at The British School Warsaw, I am awed by the terrific balancing act achieved this term by students, staff and parents.

As we enter the last day of the spring term, my first at The British School Warsaw, I am awed by the terrific balancing act achieved this term by students, staff and parents. From handling Covid-19 testing, quarantine and isolation, mock examinations, school closures, submission of IGCSE and IB coursework to an amazing humanitarian response for Ukrainian refugee, our community has shown what care, tact, and great balancing we are capable of.

I would like to thank all our students for demonstrating our school values of embracing diversity, sparking curiosity and embodying respect throughout the term. Well done! You have learnt much this term and your reports, which will be published later today, will help you identify what you need to target next to maximise your future learning, whether it be for your final IB or IGCSE examinations or for progress in your current courses. To our Year 11 and 13 students, I wish you luck in your examinations. Use the coming weeks wisely and remember to be intentional in what you do: study when you plan to study and rest when you plan to rest.

I would also like to thank all the adults in our community for the support they show our students. Our teachers have worked so hard to ensure that their students have the best possible tools to be successful in their learning. Online learning is hard, however online teaching is even harder and our teachers have risen to the challenge of providing the best learning experiences given a varying range of learning environments.

I would finally like to thank all parents for their support of the School. Your feedback is always valued; we like to hear when we can improve things, and when we get things right! Thank you, PTA, for all your wonderful events this term and for the delicious Fat Thursday paczki and Easter bunnies!

I look forward to the summer term, which begins on Wednesday 4 May. At just eight and a half weeks long, I feel that the next term will fly by. We have several Parents Academy events coming up that I hope parents will be able to attend, as well as Green Camps, end of year examinations, sports festivals, IB induction and end of year barbecue for our Year 11s, the IB graduation for our Year 13s and the Queen’s jubilee fair for us all. Dates of these events are on Firefly and at the base of this message.

For those of you who will celebrate, happy Easter! I hope all TBS Warsaw families have a relaxing holiday.



27 April - IGCSE examinations begin
28 April - IB examinations begin
9 May - Year 7, 8 and 9 Parent Voice
20 May - final IB examination, IB graduation
25 May - Year 10, 12 and pre-IB Parent Voice
Week beginning 30 May - Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 end of year examinations
1 June - Parent Academy: university applications
8 June - Parent Academy: Green Camps
13 June - Year 11 IB induction and barbecue
13 June - Years 7 and 8 Sports Festival
14 June - Years 9, 10 and 12 and pre-IB Sports Festival
15 June - Parent Academy: How to be a successful IB student
16 June - Corpus Christi holiday (NB 17 June is a normal school day)
Week beginning 20 June - Green Camps
27 June - Last IGCSE examination
30 June - Last day of term, Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and pre-IB reports published.
6 July - IB results published
11 August - CIE IGCSE results published
25 August - Edexcel and AQA IGCSE results published