Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 February, 2022

Message from Our Head of Early Years - February 24th

Message from Our Head of Early Years - 24 Feb 22 | TBS Warsaw - message-from-our-head-of-early-years
Message from Our Head of Early Years Thank you to all those parents who attended Parents’ Evening, I hope you found it informative to discuss your child's progress.

Thank you to all those parents who attended Parents’ Evening, I hope you found it informative to discuss your child's progress.

If you were unable to attend, please do reach out to your child’s class teacher to find a suitable time to discuss the learning and achievements so far this academic year.

The Year 1 children have thoroughly enjoyed their IPC unit on The Stories that People Tell and their learning was celebrated in their exit point this week. They asked each other interesting questions and shared what they had learned in the unit. They understood the different story elements including plot, character and setting and could explain in detail the beginning, middle and end of the story. Favourites included Robin Hood, Theseus and the Minotaur and King Midas.

Thank you to the PTA for providing doughnuts on Thursday. The children and teachers really appreciated them.

I hope you all have a restful break, and we look forward to seeing you all on the 7th March.