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Admissions Open for children aged 2.5-18
Dear TBS Families,
As many of you have been in touch regarding lost items recently, please see our update on this topic below.
Lost Property
The TBS lost property closet has recently been sorted to make items easier to find. All labelled items have been handed over to the school office to be returned to their owners. Unlabelled uniform items have been donated for sale at the PTA second-hand uniform shop. All other unlabelled non-uniform items have been sorted into boxes and shelves according to type: larger items, shoes, bags, hats, gloves, etc.
Now is the ideal time to look for lost items as it doesn’t stay organized for long!
The lost property closet is located on the basement floor near the music room in the main building at LIM campus. It is usually unlocked. Items from primary, secondary and IB can all be found there. Lost property at DAB campus can be found via the DAB office.
A big thank you to those parents who have been labelling items to make getting them back easier. Uniform labels can be purchased on the ISUS website or via Amazon.pl or Allegro.pl for those who would like to do the same.
We will do a lost property lay out during the day and after school after the half-term break when hopefully most students will be back at school again.
Book week events
We will have further book donation / book swap rounds during Book Week – week starting 7th March. Please look out for further details on our Facebook pages and in this blog.
Limanowskiego Campus
Mondays ONLY – 8:00-8:30am (CASH ONLY, NO RETURNS)
Dabrowskiego campus
Uniform can be purchased at any time via Pani Ania in the school office (CASH ONLY, NO RETURNS)
Uniform Donations
Donations are always welcome please feel free to leave them marked as the PTA UNIFORM DONATION in the LIM Main reception area or at DAB school front office. Thank you!
Warm regards,
Your PTA Committee
Jelena Krzanicki
PTA Chair
Your PTA Committee had quite a busy start to this school year and we kept on going until the very last day. Below is a rundown of the things we achieved this time:
Early Years: +48 22 646 77 77
General: british@thebritishschool.pl
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