Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 February, 2022

Fine Dining with Year 2

Fine Dining with Year 2 - fine-dining-with-year-2
Fine Dining with Year 2 This week was Year 2’s turn to take part in Fine Dining.

This week was Year 2’s turn to take part in Fine Dining.

Pupils selected for Fine Dining are those that have shown one or more of the characteristics of our school’s values:

Our Values

Embodying Respect: Respect is central to our school culture. We nurture a safe, caring environment where everyone is unique, valued and appreciated.

Sparking Curiosity: We value curiosity and foster a love of learning through inquiry, creativity, reflection and risk-taking. 

Celebrating Diversity: We cherish our own culture, values and beliefs and embrace those of others which is why we are proud of our diverse global community. 

This week Mr. Holmes had the pleasure of being joined by Mrs. Keenan who is Learning Leader for Year 2. We were also joined by 6 delightful Year 2 students:

Helen B., Taei M., Franek Sz., Krystian (Junior) Po., Ajdin T., Henri R.

They were so well-mannered and polite, sharing all about their recent non-fiction unit where they amazed me with their knowledge of different types of sharks! They took it in turns to say ‘bon appétit’ in their home languages and Mrs. Keenan impressed us all with her ability to pick up these phrases so quickly. All the children spoke so confidently and listened respectfully to each other. It was a pleasure to share my lunch with such thoughtful and respectful students.