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News image Safer Internet Parent Academy - safer-internet-parent-academy Blog | Secondary News
Safer Internet Parent Academy
Mr Cressey, our Head of Computer Science, presented a Parent Academy session on Monday about safer internet use. A summary of his main points are as follows...
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News image Message from Early Years - message-from-early-years Blog | Posts From Our People
Message from Early Years
The internet is an amazing tool that is part of everyday life. Educating children on how to stay safe online will keep them safe now and in the future.
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News image How to overcome Failure - how-to-overcome-failure Blog | Posts From Our People
How to overcome Failure - February
The word ‘failure’ has very negative connotations. I do not think anyone would like to be called a failure or want to admit that they have failed. However, failure is something that we are all met with in life.
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News image Message from our Head of Primary - message-from-our-head-of-primary Blog | Primary News
Message from our Head of Primary - February
It has been a learning focused week in school this week and the children have been confident in discussing their learning.
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News image Message from our Principal - message-from-our-principal Blog | Posts From Our People
Message from our Principal - February
The impact and advantages of technology on our lives today cannot be ignored.
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News image Students Transporting to Other Worlds Via VR Immersion - students-transporting-to-other-worlds-via-vr-immersion Blog | MIT STEAM
Students Transporting to Other Worlds Via VR Immersion
How could VR impact our students LEARNING for the better? That was the question posed and inspiration and curiosity behind the new VR Pioneers Club.
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News image Love Sonnets by Year 10 English students - love-sonnets-by-year-10-english-students Blog | Secondary News
Love Sonnets by Year 10 English students
Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach and experienced love as an ‘’alluring jewel’’?
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News image Fine Dining with Year 2 - fine-dining-with-year-2 Blog | Primary News
Fine Dining with Year 2
This week was Year 2’s turn to take part in Fine Dining.
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News image More gymnastic success in Year 3! - more-gymnastic-success-in-year-3 Blog | Primary News
More gymnastic success in Year 3!
Sofjia D., who is in Year 3 Ladybirds, took part in her gymnastics competition before Christmas.
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News image Hands on History in Year 4! - hands-on-history-in-year-4 Blog | Primary News
Hands on History in Year 4!
In Year 4 IPC, we have been learning about ancient civilisations, focusing on Ancient Egypt and Ancient Sumer.
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News image Lunar  New Year Celebrations - lunar-new-year-celebrations Blog | Early Years News
Lunar New Year Celebrations
On Tuesday the children in Year One celebrated the first day of Lunar New Year.
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News image PTA Corner - pta-corner Blog | PTA News
PTA Corner
We were recently approached by a refugee charity Libraries Without Borders looking for a donation of books in various languages for the children and adults in detention centres in Poland.
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News image The Power of Mind - the-power-of-mind Blog | IB News
The Power of Mind
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you are right." Henry Ford
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News image U19 Volleyball - u19-volleyball Blog | sport
U19 Volleyball
The U19 Volleyball players have been showing great commitment to the sport this week by engaging in an after school virtual conditioning session and a meeting on how to be a match official.
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News image If your child had a superpower, what would it be? - if-your-child-had-a-superpower-what-would-it-be Blog | News | School News
If your child had a superpower, what would it be?
Here at The British School Warsaw we aim to help your child develop one very special superpower, your child’s mind power.
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News image Supporting Success! Student Reflections and Advice - supporting-success-student-reflections-and-advice Blog | Secondary News
Supporting Success! Student Reflections and Advice
Continuing from last week's success stories and reflections, this week we have two students.
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News image Year 2 Buildings in IPC Milepost 1 - year-2-buildings-in-ipc-milepost-1 Blog | Primary News
Year 2 Buildings in IPC Milepost 1
Year 2 are currently studying the unit, BUILDINGS in IPC Milepost 1.
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News image Year 13 University Early Applications - year-13-university-early-applications Blog | IB News
Year 13 University Early Applications
It has been an extremely busy time for our Year 13 students.
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