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News image Spindle Class visit Year 4 - spindle-class-visit-year-4 Blog | Primary News
Spindle Class visit Year 4
Class 6 Spindle took a trip downstairs to find out about life in Year 4.
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News image Totally Talented - Year 5 - totally-talented-year-5 Blog | Primary News
Totally Talented - Year 5
Many of the year fives have particularly useful talents, for example, some students are extraordinarily talented in competitive sports.
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News image Building a home on another planet - building-a-home-on-another-planet Blog | Secondary News
Building a home on another planet
Year 8 steam lessons have been out of this world recently as students were challenged to design a home on another planet.
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News image Message from Our Head of Early Years - message-from-our-head-of-early-years Blog | Early Years News
Message from Our Head of Early Years - February 24th
Thank you to all those parents who attended Parents’ Evening, I hope you found it informative to discuss your child's progress.
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News image Forming Relationships - forming-relationships Blog | Primary News
Forming Relationships
Year 6 Hawthorn class has interviewed students and teachers about friendships and relationships and has been given many useful ideas for forming a positive bond.
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News image Hidden Talents - hidden-talents Blog | Primary News
Hidden Talents
Celebrating the achievements of our pupils outside of the classroom!
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News image Global Campus Writers Award - global-campus-writers-award Blog | Primary News
Global Campus Writers Award
Imagine the year 2121 - what do you think it is going to be like?
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News image Share a Dream - Impact Report - share-a-dream-impact-report Blog | News | School News
Share a Dream - Impact Report
As part of the Nord Anglia group of schools we have a platform to celebrate our success in the fabulous work we do with Community Service.
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News image Supporting Success! Student Reflections and Advice - supporting-success-student-reflections-and-advice Blog | Posts From Our People | Secondary News
Supporting Success! Student Reflections and Advice
Continuing from last week's success stories and reflections, this week we have two students from year 12 that are very passionate about learning.
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News image Personal Learning Goals as part of our School Values at TBS Warsaw - personal-learning-goals-as-part-of-our-school-values-at-tbs-warsaw Blog | Primary News
Personal Learning Goals as part of our School Values at TBS Warsaw
As an accredited IPC school, our personal learning goals (PLGs) are the characteristics we believe children should develop to become respectful global citizens.
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News image Pleased to meet you... Theresa Cormican - pleased-to-meet-you-theresa-cormican Blog | Posts From Our People
Pleased to meet you... Theresa Cormican
Today we are pleased to meet Theresa Cormican our Early Years teacher
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News image PTA Corner - pta-corner Blog | PTA News
PTA Corner
Next week, we can all look forward to Fat Thursday, when, according to Polish tradition, one should eat as many donuts as possible.
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News image Message from Our Vice Principal - message-from-our-vice-principal Blog | News | School News
Message from Our Vice Principal - February 18th
On January 21st this year, I wrote in the newsletter about the notion of respect, its sources and its importance in teaching and learning.
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News image Hygiene superheroes in Reception - hygiene-superheroes-in-reception Blog | Early Years News
Hygiene superheroes in Reception
The children in Reception have had amazing amounts of fun whilst developing their knowledge of personal hygiene this week!
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News image Learning Moral Values - learning-moral-values Blog | News | School News
Learning Moral Values
There are many different opportunities for students to learn about moral values in school.
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News image How to overcome Failure - how-to-overcome-failure-1 Blog | Secondary News
How to overcome Failure
Creating a commitment to and a passion for lifelong learning is central to what teachers do.
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News image Year 7&8 Trampolining Trip - year-7-and-8-trampolining-trip Blog | Secondary News
Year 7&8 Trampolining Trip
Smiling faces, laughing students and a lot of jumping around.
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