Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
25 September, 2023

Exploring hearts and art: Year 6 students get a glimpse of High School learning

Exploring hearts and art: Year 6 students get a glimpse of High School learning - Exploring hearts and art students get a glimpse of High School learning

As part of Year 6 students' transition to Year 7, Primary to High School, there are many days throughout the year when Year 6 students get the opportunity to visit and explore the High School.

y6 transition

Last week the theme for their visit was ‘Bodies, Bugs and Biology’ and involved a trip to the science labs and the art studios. 

y6 transition

Mr Paul and Ms Grace - Heads of Year 7 - welcomed the students to the High School with an assembly about how caterpillars transition to become beautiful butterflies, and this was followed by Art and Science lessons on the theme of Bodies, Bugs and Biology. 

y6 transition

In their Art lessons, the children used oil pastels and watercolours to create impressive artworks based on different insects and did an excellent job. Some students even created spot paintings of insects in the style of Australian aboriginal artists. 

y6 transition

In the Science labs, the children had the opportunity to dissect a heart under the supervision of both their Class teachers and the High School Science teachers, to support their Year 6 Science work on the human body. It was a fascinating session, and the students were extremely sensible whilst opening up the different chambers of the heart! 

There will be more opportunities for the Year 6 and the Year 5 students later in the year to enjoy more of these experiences.