Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
25 April, 2023

Welcome back to the final term of this academic year. I hope that everyone had a very relaxing Songkran holiday and that you are feeling refreshed to start our first full week of this term. 

A huge thank you once again to the efforts of our High School and Primary School Thai teachers and their teams. The Songkran celebrations across the school were really very special with everyone looking brilliant in their Songkran shirts, giving the school a colourful and festive atmosphere. There was no shortage of amazing photos capturing what a fantastic range of activities took place on both campuses. The water play at the end of the day was enjoyed by all and was a really great way to finish term 2.

In High School, our graduating Class of 2023 Seniors finished the term in style through their own participation in the celebrations. Their final Songkran water fight was one to remember as they paraded onto the football field in front of the whole school at the end of the day. These Senior Students were greeted with raucous cheers and applause by the whole school community to wish them the very best for their final weeks of intense revision in preparation for their final exams.

Once all their examinations are finished, they can look forward to the Graduation Ceremony on Saturday 27th May. This event is sure to be a wonderful farewell to this amazing group of young people.

As Term 3 begins, our Year 11 students are now also on study leave, coming into school for organised revision sessions with their teachers and for each of their final IGCSE exams. These will be taking place over the next two months.

We wish both our Class of 2023 and all of Year 11 all the best of luck in their final run-up to these examinations and assessments that will be completed this term.

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to the new families who have joined our school community for Term 3. We hope your children settle into school very quickly, making friends easily and getting to know their teachers and the other staff who will be working with them.

I have been looking at the calendar for this final term, and there is certainly a huge amount going on. There are musical concerts to look forward to, the Key Stage 2 production of Honk, and a huge amount of sports matches, tournaments and competitions. The extra-curricular programme also starts this week, which will very much keep the school very busy until 4.00 pm each day, and later in many cases.

I hope everyone makes the most of the opportunities they have and really enjoy this final term of this academic year.

For parents with enquiries, please contact You can also call the Primary School directly at +66 2 381-2387-8 or the High School at +66 2 056-9555.