02 February, 2023

High School International Holocaust Memorial Day

High School International Holocaust Memorial Day | St Andrews - High-School-International-Holocaust-Memorial-Day

On Wednesday evening last week, I was honoured to represent St Andrews at an intimate and meaningful event, hosted by the Embassy Of Israel In Bangkok, to commemorate Friday’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The four speakers at the event were Mr Menachem Fogel - the son of two Holocaust survivors, a former spokesman of Yad Vashem (Israel's national Holocaust Museum) and a member of our St Andrews Community, H.E. Ms. Orna Sagiv (Ambassador of Israel), Mr. Hans-Ulrich Südbeck (Deputy Chief of Mission, German Embassy) and Ms. Monsicha Rungchawanno.

Tutor Groups will spend some time, either last week or this week, watching a video created by the UK Holocaust Memorial Day Trust.

As H.E. Ms. Orna Sagiv wrote in her Editorial in Friday’s Bangkok Post,

“The Holocaust happened more than 80 years ago, but hatred, intolerance, massacre and horrific incidents are still taking place around the world. As we light the candles today, we honour the victims of past tragedies and remark on the heroic acts of those who fought against all odds to stop these atrocities.

We remind current and future generations that it is up to us to fight so these atrocities can never happen again. Let us teach and direct our youth to prevent and resolve conflicts and learn from mistakes in the past. It is, indeed, our shared responsibility to make the world a better place for generations to come.”