14 December, 2022


Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows
Christmas Shows, Med Park and Friday Night Game

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Today saw the start of the Foundation Stage 3 Christmas performances in their shared outside space. It was so lovely to see some of our smallest students bravely taking the microphone to say a few words to their parents and also to sing some wonderful songs. It was Ms Pepa’s turn today with the other 2 classes performing tomorrow and Wednesday. Good Luck!

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Year 4 Japanese Students Say Thank You to Med Park

Today five of our Year 4 Japanese students travelled to Med Park Hospital to sing a song and present gifts to the Med Park staff, to say thank you for all their support for our community during the pandemic. Their vaccination roll-out to staff and students really helped our community stay safe during this difficult time and we are very thankful for this. Thank you to Ms Kiyomi for organising the trip. 

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Christmas Shows and a Friday Night Game to Remember!

As Mr Paul has already addressed the other Christmas shows and the Friday Night Game in ‘The Head’s Lines’ I will not add much more here, just to say a huge thank you to our music and PE departments for their incredibly hard work to put on these performances and events at this time of year. They support the students to make sure their learning involves music and movement, giving them a rounded education that is so diverse. Thank you to Mr Damon and Mrs Marie for leading these teams with such dedication and all the other staff that also work tirelessly to make sure the students enjoy their time here at school. 

I have added some more photos of the various Christmas shows below and the Friday Night Game, for you to enjoy. Thank you for all your support this term and we wish our whole community a safe and enjoyable holiday wherever you may be.

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

As Mr Paul has already addressed the other Christmas shows and the Friday Night Game in ‘The Head’s Lines’ I will not add much more here, just to say a huge thank you to our music and PE departments for their incredibly hard work to put on these performances and events at this time of year. They support the students to make sure their learning involves music and movement, giving them a rounded education that is so diverse. Thank you to Mr Damon and Mrs Marie for leading these teams with such dedication and all the other staff that also work tirelessly to make sure the students enjoy their time here at school. 

I have added some more photos of the various Christmas shows below and the Friday Night Game, for you to enjoy. Thank you for all your support this term and we wish our whole community a safe and enjoyable holiday wherever you may be.



Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Makaton Sign of the Week


Thank you for all the support with the Makaton signing. If you have any videos of your children doing the signs please can you send them to emma.st@standrews.ac.th. She would like to make a compilation of this terms’ learning.

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows

Foundation Stage 3 Have Their Christmas Shows