Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
07 February, 2022

An Art Spotlight on Kiara in Year 7

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An Art Spotlight on Kiara in Year 7 We are delighted to cast our art spotlight on the creative work of one of our Year 7 students, Kiara.

This week we are delighted to cast our art spotlight on the creative work of one of our Year 7 students. Kiara, in 7a, has a passion for making art and has already produced a fantastic portfolio of work. We asked her about her work in Art lessons and this is what she told us.

What is it about art that you like?

Art gives me the opportunity to experiment with colour, light, shape and size. Where I can truly focus and let my imagination flow through my hand which is expressed in the colours I use on the canvas. In Art, one can choose from a wide range of mediums and colours to convey a certain scene or emotion.

What kind of art do you like doing the most and why?

I enjoy drawing and painting portraits of either humans or animals as you can see in my artwork. This is because I like observing facial features and characteristics of each individual person. 

Do you think you will use art in the future, for university or a job? If so, in what way?

I think that Art is present everywhere, whether it be making posters or drawing diagrams in everyday life. Therefore I am certain that I will use Art in the future.

What has been your most successful artwork so far and why?

I think that the artwork “Lost in Thought” (below) has been one of my most successful so far, as the colours I have used are bright and vibrant, compensating for the overall sadness of the subject, and making the painting overall look surreal. I like the use of highlights and light reflections on the face, as they bring out the face in a realistic manner.