Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
02 December, 2021

IB Sport Science: Cooking up a storm learning about nutrition!

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A lovely lesson to put the theory behind nutrition into delicious practice whilst learning important life skills that will definitely come in handy for university!
Ms Anna - Head of Physical Education
Ms Anna - Head of Physical Education
IB Sport Science: Cooking up a storm learning about nutrition! Our IB Sport Scientists have been putting their theory into practice. Using our school student, kitchen Year 13 students collaborated to plan and create lunch recipes for different types of athletes.

Our IB Sport Scientists have been putting theory into practice. Using the High School student kitchen, Year 13 students flipped over the pages of their cookbooks and set out to create dishes that meet the needs of their chosen athletes. 


Our Year 13 students collaborated in teams to plan and create the perfect lunch for their chosen athletes. The athletes of choice were weightlifters and marathon runners.   

In their groups, students purchased their own groceries and brought items into School ready to be prepped and cooked for lunch. 


Students took full advantage of the High School kitchen using the food preparation area, fridges, cutting boards, pots and pans,  cooking utensils and electric induction stoves to create their dishes. 

The masterpiece and theory 

Whilst cooking and plating up for presentation, group members took it in turns to write down the theory behind their chosen dishes for their athletes.