Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
18 September, 2017

Sport: Meeting challenges with determination and sportsmanship

Sport: Meeting challenges with determination and sportsmanship In Primary, the launch of ECAs was a resounding success, especially in tennis and CrossFit Kids… The U15G High School B-ball season started with a tough loss, but there were some great takeaways from the competition that our other boys & girls teams can take to heart… Our runners are taking broad strides in their first cross-country meet. image30

In Primary, the launch of ECAs was a resounding success, especially in tennis and CrossFit Kids… The U15G High School B-ball season started with a tough loss, but there were some great takeaways from the competition that our other boys & girls teams can take to heart… Our runners are taking broad strides in their first cross-country meets.

Primary School

We have so many new and exciting opportunities for our children within our ECA programme. Tennis has been a been a big hit for sign ups and we look to continue to develop this with our new coaching team at Spin and Slice.

Another great new ECA is the first CrossFit Kids ECA for Years 5 and 6 which got underway this week. The children had a great time at Training Ground, experiencing a range of games and activities that tested their fitness, strength and mobility. They took part in an hour of fun challenges which included stretching, leaping, sprinting, carrying, throwing and pushing.  Everyone can't wait to go back next week for more!

On Thursday we had our first Primary basketball fixture of the year.  Our U11 Boys were victorious and played an impressive first game of the season, winning by 30 points.  Well done to all our U11 boys basketballers.  All these games are great preparation for the NAE Games coming up in December.

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Also, on Thursday we had our first ever BISAC Cross Country meet.  Well done to the 6 Primary children who ran so well at the event.  Our boys came 2nd, 3,rd and 4th and our girls came 3rd, 4th and 6th. Both girls and boys were running against 50 other children from different schools.  What a great achievement for their first ever Cross Country event.

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These are exciting times at the Primary School with more opportunities for our children to compete in different sports.  We have several other endurance events coming up in October.  Next week we will be testing the Year 5 and 6 children in preparation for entering them into these events.

Next Monday at 1pm we have the girls U11 Basketball at STA playing in their first game.  Parents please feel free to come and cheer on the girls during their game and any other sporting event.  We always appreciate your brilliant support.

Important dates for Primary Sport are:

  • U11 Girls Basketball - Monday 18th September @ STA

  • U11 Boys Basketball - Wednesday 20th September @ TIS

  • U11 Boys Basketball - Wednesday 27th September @ SATH

  • U11 Girls Basketball - Thursday 28th September @ STA

  • 30th September - Tiger Prawns Swim Meet

  • 30th September -  Shrewsbury Cup BISAC for U9/U11 Girls and Boys Football

  • 1st October - X Country for U11 Girls and Boys BISAC Event

  • 2nd October - Shrewsbury Football Friendly - Boys U11 A, B, C teams. Girls U11 A Team

  • 5th October - Shrewsbury Football Friendly - U9 Boys A, B, C teams. Girls U9 Team.

  • 7th October - NIST Falcon Swim Meet

  • U11 Girls Basketball - Tuesday 10th October @ SATH

If you have a queries about sport at STA please email our Head of Primary PE at

High School


The U15G started our season with a tough loss, losing by 7 and always chasing the game. Nevertheless, they were resilient and motivated to work to the end, displaying some excellent team spirit and determined play. Some of the movement and skill was outstanding, typified by a huge 3 hit by Pear that was positively downtown!

The U13s and Senior Boys are in action this week.

Please see the STA Sports calendar for details.


Our first foray into the world of cross country was a resounding success! We entered a U13 and U15 team of experienced runners and students who have consistently scored well in our regular bleep tests, as well as some who have started well in Mr. Angelo’s track team.

The excitement and nervousness was palpable but we ended up with winners in the U13 Boys and U15 Girls. It was clear that everyone enjoyed the experience - just look at their faces in the photo! - and it was great to mix with our Primary students too!
