12 August, 2024

The Effects Ramadan Has On Education | SISD Dubai


Fasting Minds - Ramadan's Impact on Children's Cognition

In the vibrant city of Dubai, the holy month of Ramadan brings with it a unique tapestry of traditions and practices. While adults observe the fast, children navigate its nuances, experiencing both challenges and benefits within the school environment.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a deeply significant time for Muslims worldwide. It's a month of spiritual reflection, prayer, and community, marked by the observance of a strict fast from dawn to sunset. Fasting creates empathy for the less fortunate, strengthens self-discipline, and purifies the soul. Beyond abstaining from food and drink, Muslims strive to refrain from negative thoughts and actions, focusing on kindness, generosity, and devotion. Observed for 29-30 days, Ramadan begins and ends with the sighting of the new moon, making its dates in the Gregorian calendar shift year to year. In 2024, it's expected to start around March 10th and end around April 9th, though specific dates may vary based on local authorities' moon sightings.

Understanding the Diverse Landscape:

Dubai's educational landscape boasts a mosaic of Emirati and international schools, catering to a multicultural student body. This means each child's Ramadan experience is unique, influenced by family practices, religious adherence, and individual school approaches. Some children fast alongside their families, others don't, and schools themselves embrace the month with varying degrees of integration.

Cultivating Positive Influences:

Ramadan presents a fertile ground for cultivating essential cognitive skills in children:

1. Self-Discipline:

The act of fasting demands willpower and control. Children navigate hunger pangs, resist temptation, and delay gratification, building self-discipline – a cornerstone for regulating emotions, making informed choices, and achieving goals. Studies have shown a direct link between self-discipline and academic success, improved focus, and enhanced problem-solving abilities.

2. Empathy and Compassion Take Root:

Ramadan is steeped in understanding and consideration for others. Witnessing others fast, participating in charitable acts, and engaging in community service plant the seeds of empathy and compassion within children. These qualities are vital for social-emotional learning, growing strong relationships and creating positive classroom environments.

3. Mindfulness Through Reflection:

The emphasis on prayer and spiritual introspection during Ramadan encourages mindfulness, the practice of focusing on the present moment without judgment. This sharpens children's ability to pay attention, control emotional responses, and reduce stress. Additionally, Ramadan encourages reflection on personal values and goals, creating self-awareness and a sense of purpose, both crucial aspects of cognitive development.

4. Cultural Appreciation:

In Dubai's diverse schools, Ramadan becomes a vibrant platform for cultural exchange and understanding. Learning about the significance of the month for their peers promotes tolerance, respect, and appreciation for different beliefs and practices. This fosters open-mindedness and contributes to a more inclusive and welcoming school environment.

Empowering Cognitive Growth:

Schools and families can work together to harness Ramadan's potential for cognitive growth:

  • Embrace Inclusivity: Schools can host educational events on Ramadan's significance, with an understanding and respect for diverse student experiences.
  • Mindful Scheduling: Adjust teaching methods and activities to cater to potential adjustments in energy levels and schedules.
  • Support Fasting Children: Create designated spaces for hydration breaks and offer healthy pre-dawn and post-sunset meals.
  • Emphasise Values: Highlight Ramadan's messages of self-discipline, empathy, and reflection, linking them to academic and personal growth.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Create a safe space for students to discuss their experiences and needs related to Ramadan.

Building Bridges of Understanding:

Bridging the gap between students who fast and those who don't is crucial. Encouraging inclusivity through shared activities, respectful classroom practices, and collaborative projects can foster understanding and build community.

Research offers fascinating glimpses into the potential benefits of practices associated with Ramadan. Studies have shown that mindfulness practices, similar to those encouraged during Ramadan, can improve cognitive function, attention, and emotional regulation in children. Additionally, research exploring the impact of intermittent fasting on adults points towards potential benefits for cognitive function, including improved memory, learning, and decision-making. While further research is needed to specifically examine the impact of Ramadan practices on children, the existing evidence provides a promising foundation for exploring this intriguing possibility.

Ramadan in Dubai's schools is not just a time for spiritual reflection, but also a unique opportunity for children to cultivate cognitive skills that blossom far beyond the holy month. By acknowledging the diverse landscape, embracing inclusivity, and harnessing Ramadan's positive influences, schools and families can work together to ensure that this special month becomes a period of not just spiritual growth, but also cognitive enrichment for all children.

If you would like to learn more about how we at SISD help our students to observe the holy month of Ramadan please feel free to contact us.