Eloise B
12 August, 2024

3 Types of Learning


As a school who puts its children first and puts their needs at the forefront of everything we do, we make it paramount to understand that different children learn and process information in different ways. There are multiple ways in which a child can learn and these can also change and evolve through different stages of their development. This diversity is natural and supporting the different educational needs of our children is essential for creating and nurturing an excellent learning environment and helping the children reach their full potential. The three key learning types explain how our children learn best and there are tests which can help confirm which style your child prefers. The three key learning styles are Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. We will explain each of these in more detail, however, brief definitions can be seen below:

Visual Learners – These learners process information best through sight, whether that be reading or seeing pictures

Auditory Learners – Auditory learners learn best through listening, so would perform best when listening to a lesson or instructions for a project instead of reading a text book or project plan

Kinesthetic Learners – People that process Kinesthetically prefer to learn as an active participant, learning through being ‘hands on’ with a problem or task in order to process it most effectively

These different learning styles do require an element of tailoring our approaches to teaching which we take every action to support and help ensure each child is learning in a way that is most beneficial for them and reach the best of their own ability. At SISD, we always have inclusivity, innovation and academic performance in mind and therefore teaching our children in the ways that suit them best through our IB curriculum is terribly important.  Teaching them in line with their personal preferential method helps ensure they reach the pinnacle of not only academic success, but enjoy the learning process as well.

Visual Learning

Visual Learners are typically picture people. They thrive on information presented visually, excelling at interpreting charts, diagrams, graphs, images, and written text.

  • Teaching Strategies:
    • Graphics: Incorporating visual aids like mind maps, flowcharts, timelines, and illustrations into lessons and all learning really helps these pupils visualise what they are learning and process it easiest.
    • Colour Coding: Use colour-coded highlights or markers to categorise information helping the child connect certain colours with a certain subject matter or topic and therefore recall it more readily in the future.
    • Written Notes: Encourage detailed note-taking and the summarising of key points to make points clear and manageable in their minds.
    • Graphic Organisers: Utilise graphic organisers like concept maps or Venn diagrams to create visual representations of concepts.
    • Video Instruction: Leverage educational videos with clear visuals and concise narration.

Auditory Learning

Auditory Learners learn best through sound. They excel at grasping information presented through lectures, discussions, group work, and even self-explanation (talking things through themselves).

  • Teaching Strategies:
    • Verbal Explanations: Provide clear and concise verbal explanations alongside any visual aids so the auditory sense is stimulated and enables the information to be more easily understood.
    • Discussions and Debates: Encourage participation in discussions, group work, and presentations.
    • Audio Recordings: Offer recordings of lessons, revision periods and promote podcasts summarising key points on the subject matter.
    • Use Mnemonic Devices: Introduce memory aids like rhymes, songs, or jingles to help recall information.
    • Interactive Activities: Incorporate activities that involve verbal interaction and explanation.

Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic Learners are the ‘hands on’ learners. They grasp information best through movement, doing, and experiencing. We try to incorporate the below into their curriculum

  • Teaching Strategies:
    • Kinesthetic Activities: Incorporating activities that involve movement, such as simulations, role-playing, experiments, or building models.
    • Hands-on Projects: Provide opportunities for hands-on projects that allow learners to physically manipulate materials.
    • Kinesthetic Cues: Use gestures, demonstrations, and physical activities to reinforce concepts.
    • Field Trips and Simulations: Organised field trips and creation of simulations that allow learners to experience concepts firsthand.
    • Break it Down: Breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps that involve physical engagement.

Key Differences and Support Strategies

While these styles represent preferences, most learners benefit from a combination of approaches. The key difference lies in the primary channel through which information is best absorbed.

To effectively support all learners:

  • Variety is Key: We integrate elements of all three styles into lessons to cater to diverse preferences.
  • Self-Awareness: We encourage students to identify their preferred learning style and advocate for their needs.
  • Technology Integration: Utilising educational technology that caters to different learning styles, such as interactive simulations and audiobooks.
  • Personalised Learning: Differentiate instruction by offering alternative learning activities that cater to different styles.

By understanding and incorporating these diverse learning styles, as educators, we can create a more inclusive and engaging learning environment that allows all students to thrive. As a school we thrive on empowering our students to achieve the most that they can and any way we can support them in doing so, is as important to us as their guardians. To learn more about our teaching methods, our IB curriculum and other ways in which we give the children of today a brighter future book a tour or speak to our admissions team.

SISD is proudly part of the Nord Anglia Education family.