Eloise B
17 June, 2024

Visual Learning – A Detailed Guide


As explained briefly in our blog ‘The 3 Types of Learning’ different learning styles require tailoring our approaches to teaching to match the different requirements of different children. Read on to discover what makes visual learners unique, and how best to support their learning.

One student taps their foot impatiently while the teacher lectures, another doodles intricate patterns in their notebook. While these behaviours might raise eyebrows, they could be signs of a thriving visual learner.

Visual learning is a powerful style where children grasp information best through visual cues. These cues can take many forms: pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, mind maps, even colours and spatial organisation. For visual learners, the world is a vibrant tapestry of images, and traditional lecture-based learning can feel like listening to a foreign language.

Identifying the Visual Learner

While the concept of learning styles has been debated in educational circles, there's no denying that some children learn more effectively through visuals. Here are some signs that your child might be a visual learner:

  • They excel at art and drawing: A natural inclination towards creating visual elements can be a strong indicator
  • They struggle with spoken instructions: They might misinterpret directions or seem forgetful when instructions are only verbal
  • They take detailed notes: Visual learners often use color-coding, diagrams, or mind maps to organise information
  • They enjoy puzzles and games: Activities that involve spatial reasoning and visual problem-solving are a good fit
  • They have a strong memory for faces and places: Visual details tend to stick out in their minds

Unleashing the Power of Visuals

If your child is a visual learner, you can significantly enhance their learning experience by incorporating these strategies:

  • Embrace the Power of Pictures: Use illustrations, photographs, and infographics to explain concepts
  • Unlock the Magic of Mind Maps: Encourage mind maps to brainstorm ideas, organise information, and see connections between concepts
  • Ditch the Wall of Text: Break down lengthy text into smaller chunks with visuals interspersed throughout
  • Bring Text to Life with Colour Coding: Use highlighters or coloured pens to categorise information and improve recall
  • Make the Most of Graphic Organisers: Utilise flowcharts, timelines, and graphic organisers to depict processes and relationships.
  • Let Technology Help: Educational apps, simulations, and videos can be powerful tools for visual learners
  • Real-world Connections: Take advantage of field trips, demonstrations, and hands-on activities to solidify learning

Beyond the Classroom

Visual learning strategies can extend beyond the classroom and into everyday life:

  • Visualise Success: Encourage your child to visualise their goals and create vision boards with images and affirmations
  • Plan with Pictures: Use picture schedules or comic strips to help with daily routines and transitions
  • Turn Chores into Comics: Create a visual chore chart with pictures or illustrations for younger children
  • Storytelling through Pictures: When reading stories together, encourage your child to draw their interpretations of characters and events

Remember, Learning Styles are a Spectrum

While some children might have a strong preference for visual learning, most learners benefit from a variety of strategies. Here are some additional tips:

  • Kinesthetic Learning: Combine visuals with activities to cater to Kinesthetic learners who learn best by doing
  • Auditory Learning: Supplement visuals with audiobooks, discussions, or songs for auditory learners
  • Multisensory Approach: Integrate different learning styles whenever possible to create a well-rounded educational experience

The Takeaway

Visual learners are not simply passive observers; they are active processors who thrive on imagery. By incorporating visual cues and strategies, we can unlock their potential and create a world where learning is engaging, effective, and truly unforgettable. Remember, the key is to celebrate your child's unique learning style and empower them to see the world as a place brimming with knowledge waiting to be explored.

By understanding each of the learning styles and tailoring our approach based on what each student prefers, as educators, we can create a more inclusive and engaging learning environment that allows every student to thrive. As a school we aim to empower our students to achieve the most that they can and any way we can support them in doing so, is as important to us as their guardians. To learn more about our teaching methods, our IB curriculum and other ways in which we give the children of today a brighter future book a tour or speak to our admissions team.

SISD is proudly part of the Nord Anglia Education family.