The British International School of Houston awards financial aid based on a family’s demonstrated financial need.

BIS Houston partners with TADS, a third party financial aid assessment service that determines a family’s level of financial need. To submit a financial aid application, parents should complete the Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and submit any required supporting documents. For the 2025-2026 school year, applications will open on 1st February 2025 on the TADS Family Portal with the school partner code 200293.


A Financial Aid Committee at BIS Houston reviews completed TADS applications and recommends awards, which require additional approval. Incomplete TADS applications are not reviewed. All financial aid information is confidential and financial aid only covers partial tuition at BIS Houston.


The review process for TADS applications begins in February each year and continues until funds are exhausted. Priority review is given to re-enrolling families who submit their TADS applications in February. If a family receives an award, whether new or re-enrolling, there is a deadline to accept the award and return an enrollment contract, or the award may be given to another family. Financial aid is only awarded for one school year and there is no guarantee a family will receive awards for subsequent years.


For new families, a student must submit an application and be accepted to the school prior to the financial aid application being reviewed. If a family receives an award, they will receive notification from Sherry Madden, Admissions Coordinator and will be given a deadline to make an enrollment decision.


For re-enrolling families, awards will not be given to families with past due balances. If a family receives an award, they will receive notification from Jane Chastant, Director of Admissions and Marketing and be given a deadline to return their reenrollment contract.


We welcome applications from any student who will be in high school in the 25/26 school year (Year 10/equivalent to grade 9 through Year 13/equivalent to Grade 12) whether currently attending or not attending BIS Houston.

British International School of Houston High School Scholarship - Promo With Collage