Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Rotterdam
28 October, 2019

IMYC Exploration Unit 1

IMYC Exploration Unit 1 - imyc-exploration-unit-1
IMYC Exploration Unit 1 During the week of 15 - 18 October, NAISR middle school students participated in their first IMYC Exploration of the year. Read on to find out more!

The IMYC Exploration is a critical part of our middle school programme at NAISR and represents the culmination of student learning at the end of our unit.  During the week of 15 - 18 October, middle school students participated in their first IMYC Exploration of the year.

Our new STEAM design room space was put to great use as students from all of the middle school came off time table to focus on self-directed projects. 

The IMYC Exploration is a critical part of our middle school programme at NAISR and represents the culmination of student learning at the end of our unit. As each middle years unit of learning centres around one Big Idea (a broad, universal or conceptual idea which guides all subject learning for the duration of the unit) students springboard from their completed IMYC unit to ‘explore’ their own questions, ideas and projects, and consider the conceptual Big Idea on their own terms. 

At NAISR, we find the Exploration a valuable opportunity to promote student initiated learning, to foster creative, design-oriented thinking, and to develop long-term working skills of cooperation and project management.  

Please view our photo gallery below to see highlights of the week! 

Units and Big Ideas for Unit #1 

Grade 6 

Creativity - Innovative ideas can happen when existing or new concepts are brought together or expressed in a new way. 

Grade 7

Curiosity - The desire to know more drives exploration and aspiration.

Grade 8

Community - A shared sense of belonging occurs when people are able to negotiate and appreciate their complex, and often messy, differences.