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Frequently Asked Questions - COVID-19
This is a unique situation that we are currently in and many of our community members have questions. Here we answer the most frequently asked questions.
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News image NAISR Guidelines for Distance Learning - naisrguidelines-for-distance-learning News | schoolnews | School News
NAISR Guidelines for Distance Learning
The NAISR Guidelines for Distance Learning will explain how your child will continue their learning over the coming weeks.
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School Closure
Following the advice from the Dutch government and health authorities, in the interest of protecting the safety and security of all our students and colleagues at Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam, we will be closing our school for three weeks from March 16th, until April 6th 2020.
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News image The right teacher can unlock your child’s potential - the-right-teacher-can-unlock-your-childs-potential Blog | insights | Educational Insights
The right teacher can unlock your child’s potential
Did you know that having an effective teacher is the single greatest factor that contributes to the success of a student? While small class sizes, curriculum, family support, facilities and extra-curricular opportunities all play their part, it is the connection between an effective teacher and a pupil that really makes the difference in a student achieving to the best of their ability. Read more...
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News image A Little Bit of Genius - a-little-bit-of-genius News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured | School News
A Little Bit of Genius
At Nord Anglia Education, our schools offer unforgettable experiences that go beyond the traditional and ensure our students love coming to school. That’s why Nord Anglia Education has launched a brand-new podcast series called A Little Bit of Genius.
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News image Brexit, the Netherlands, and Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam - brexit-the-netherlands-and-nord-anglia-international-school-rotterdam Blog | insights | Educational Insights | Featured | Learning Opportunities | Life in The Netherlands
Brexit, the Netherlands, and Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam
With the UK formally leaving the EU on the 31st of January 2020, Brexit and the potential impact is a hot topic right now. Many families might be worried about the possibility of a relocation should their company decide to move locations. With many companies already moving to the Netherlands, families are trying to find normality as their lives change overnight. Amongst all the changes, finding a great school for their children is usually a first priority. At the Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam, you can be assured of familiarity and quality.
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News image IMYC Entry Point - #3 - imyc-entry-point--3 News | secondary | Secondary School
IMYC Entry Point - #3
On Tuesday, 14 January, middle school students had their third Entry Point of the year. The purpose of the Entry Point is to introduce a new IMYC unit of learning in a fun, hands-on and exciting way, as well as to invite students to begin thinking about the BIG IDEA for their next unit. Read on to hear more about our Entry Points!
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News image NAISR finishes Semester 1 with a wonderful Winter Concert - naisr-finishes-semester-1-with-a-wonderful-winter-concert News | arts | Creative and Performing Arts | Early Childhood & Elementary | Featured
NAISR finishes Semester 1 with a wonderful Winter Concert
Parents, teachers and students were treated to a wonderful Winter Concert on the 19th of December. The annual tradition of finishing Semester 1 with a festive and celebratory concert continued in 2019, with Elementary students from Pre-Kindergarten 1 to Grade 5 singing and dancing on stage.
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News image The Power of Gratitude - the-power-of-gratitude Blog | learning | Featured | Learning Opportunities
The Power of Gratitude
Every year, on the last Wednesday of November, NAISR students have the pleasure of welcoming their parents, guardians and friends to a Thanksgiving lunch at the school. This has been one of the most beautiful traditions at our school for many years now. Read on to find out why.
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News image UNICEF Week at NAISR - unicef-week-at-naisr News | schoolnews | Featured | School News
During the week of 18-22 November 2019, we enjoyed a UNICEF week here at NAISR. Our Global Campus leader and UNICEF leads planned a number of activities for our school community, ensuring that we honoured World's Children's Day and to build awareness of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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News image IMYC Entry Point - Unit #2 - imyc-entry-point--unit-2 News | secondary | Secondary School
IMYC Entry Point - Unit #2
On Tuesday 29 October, middle school students had their second Entry Point of the year. The purpose of the Entry Point is to introduce a new IMYC unit of learning in a fun, hands-on and exciting way, as well as to invite students to begin thinking about the BIG IDEA for their next unit. Read on to hear more about our Entry Points!
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News image NAISR make another delivery to JBRR - naisr-make-another-delivery-to-jbrr News | schoolnews | School News
NAISR make another delivery to JBRR
The NAISR Elementary Student Council is always listening to Student Voice and organising events to make a difference to our community, local and global. On Friday, 11 October, the Elementary Student Council at Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam, held a disco party. Rather than selling tickets to this event, the Student Council encouraged students to donate toys and games for the children at JBRR (Youth Protection Rotterdam Rijnmond).
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News image Iwan Redan visits NAISR Athletics Department - iwan-redan-visits-naisr-athletics-department News | sports | Sports & Co-Curricular Activities
Iwan Redan visits NAISR Athletics Department
On Friday, 1 November, the NAISR Athletics department had a visit from ex-footballer, Iwan Redan. Secondary HAPE students, the IB Sports Science class, and a lucky grade 2 class received an intense, energetic and fun training from Iwan and his assistant.
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News image Color Run for Doctors Without Borders - color-run-for-doctors-without-borders News | sports | School News | Sports & Co-Curricular Activities
Color Run for Doctors Without Borders
Before the fall holidays, an all-school color run was held to support, raise funds, and increase awareness upon the international humanitarian medical non-governmental organization by the name of Doctors without Borders (Artsen Zonder Grenzen).
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News image Margriet Ruurs will visit NAISR to launch Creative Writing Competition - margriet-ruurs-will-visit-naisr-to-launch-creative-writing-competition News | schoolnews | Early Childhood & Elementary | Featured | School News | Secondary School
Margriet Ruurs will visit NAISR to launch Creative Writing Competition
Introduced by award winning author, Margriet Ruurs, this year's Creative Writing competition is based on the the theme of 'Home' in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). NAISR students are encouraged to enter this wonderful competition and unique opportunity.
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News image The Value of Mother Tongue Maintenance - the-value-of-mother-tongue-maintenance Blog | insights | Educational Insights
The Value of Mother Tongue Maintenance
Walking through the halls of NAISR you may hear whispers of Dutch, or a lengthy discussion in Portuguese. While the language of instruction at NAISR is English, we not only understand the needs of students to sometimes communicate in their Mother Tongue, we also actively encourage it.
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News image IMYC Exploration Unit 1 - imyc-exploration-unit-1 News | secondary | Secondary School
IMYC Exploration Unit 1
During the week of 15 - 18 October, NAISR middle school students participated in their first IMYC Exploration of the year. Read on to find out more!
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News image "Ask the Artist" - Global Campus - ask-the-artist--global-campus News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
"Ask the Artist" - Global Campus
"Ask the Artist" is an opportunity for your child to ask questions to Juilliard Artists who have chosen performing arts as a career. We're pleased to announce that our next featured artist is Miranda Quinn, an award winning dancer who has a reputation for diverse and energetic performances.
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News image IMYC Entry Point - Unit #1 - imyc-entry-point--unit-1 News | secondary | Secondary School
IMYC Entry Point - Unit #1
The middle school kicked off another year of learning on Wednesday, 28 August with a spirited and interactive Entry Point activity. The purpose of the Entry Point is to introduce a new IMYC unit of learning and to invite students to begin thinking about the BIG IDEA for their next unit. Read on to hear more about our learning!
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News image New Playground at NAISR - new-playground-at-naisr News | schoolnews | School News
New Playground at NAISR
Our School's new playground was installed over the Summer of 2019 and it's great to see our students enjoying it so much. Check out this time-lapse video of the installation!
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