21 August, 2024

Induction & First Day of School

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

Welcome Back to our entire NAIS Pudong community!

We’re delighted to have re-opened following the summer vacation, welcoming our new students to school during their Induction Day on Friday morning, and then our returning students on Monday.  We also had a busy week of staff training and preparation ahead of that, with our staff undergoing safeguarding training, classroom preparation sessions, and curriculum planning.

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

From our youngest Pre-Nursery students to our most senior cohort who are commencing their final year of school, the campus was buzzing with excitement as friends caught up with each other, new classmates started to build new friendship groups, and everyone began to enjoy the updated classrooms and facilities across the school.

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

This promises to be another exciting year ahead, with plenty of in-school and community events planned, the first of which will be our Welcome Back Picnic on Saturday 31st August from 9am onwards – we hope to see you there to enjoy the sun, games, cold ice cream, and to welcome our new families and familiar faces.

Induction & First Day of School - Induction  First Day of School

We’ll post a video on Friday with more content from the first week in school, so check in again here on Friday for that.