At NAIS Pudong, we understand that success in sport is not merely a matter of achieving victory – as victory without sportsmanship, dignity and honour is hollow.

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Sports at NAIS Pudong

Our students have the opportunity to compete in many sport organisations across Shanghai, China, Southeast Asia and the world. The Pudong Tigers’ mission defines expectations both on and off the field. In the name of excellence, we aim for a level of sports performance that will frequently produce success and the realistic opportunity to compete for team or individual championships. We have a strong and committed coaching staff, with increasing numbers of students competing each year.


Our football programmes are well organised, offering continuity through the teams and year groups. The structure of our football programmes allows our best players access to a high standard of coaching and allows those who are developing their skills plenty of opportunities to progress through the teams. Over the years our students have continuously done well in the numerous competitions and tournaments across Shanghai and further afield.

Hard work, dedication and sportsmanship are all held in high esteem, complemented by the commitment of the coaching staff to individual needs, personal welfare and every student’s enjoyment of the game.

For the junior teams, the emphasis is on enjoying the game and each session is planned to challenge the players, whilst emphasising core skills at all times. As the players progress, their basic skills are supplemented with more complex concepts as their understanding of the game grows, developing greater consistency and improving performance through more structured practices and increased coaching time. The competitive aspect of the game is a prime focus for our senior footballers, and the teams will set their targets towards competing in the SISAC and ACAMIS tournaments at the end of the season.

For more information about the rules of football at NAIS Pudong, visit our Football Rules and Regulations page.

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When playing netball, we aim to maximise talent and performance through the development of core skills, tactical knowledge and games sense, alongside positive attitudes which value respect, commitment, determination and teamwork.  We strive for excellence both in performance and attitude and support students as they gain knowledge and an understanding of the game.

Five age groups operate in total, with teams competing in U9 to U19 age groups in CISSA, SISAC and ACAMIS sports leagues and tournaments. There are plenty of opportunities for players to compete against other international schools from Shanghai and Asia and the Pudong Tigers consistently perform extremely well in these leagues, and at their respective end-of-season tournaments.

It is our aim to provide every student in Years 3 to 13 with the opportunity to represent the school in netball fixtures. The U19 teams compete in the annual ACAMIS tournament, which is a fantastic experience for all the students involved.

Fixtures are played throughout each term in a competitive and sporting spirit, and we also host and attend regular tournaments which involve a full day’s schedule of competitive games.



Basketball is offered for both boys and girls to play as part of a team. We focus on developing the core skills, tactical knowledge and game sense, alongside positive attitudes which value respect, commitment, determination and teamwork. Basketball is one of our six main sports on offer and is popular amongst students.

The school basketball teams compete in CISSA, FOBISIA, SISAC and ACAMIS. The commitment of the students has seen our teams improve rapidly over the last few years. It is our aim to provide the students in Years 6 to 13 with the opportunity to represent the school in basketball both in Division 1 and Division 2 in the SISAC league. We will be fielding C1, C2 and Junior teams for the CISSA season. 

The basketball school team fixtures are played from November to January for the SISAC level and from April to May for the CISSA league. Teams play a strong and well-established fixture list, which is becoming more competitive as basketball gains popularity at the school. We also host and attend regular tournaments and tours, which provide the opportunity to play high quality opposition as well as experience a different culture. 



Swimming takes place in the school swimming pool year-round. The focus for swimming, both as part of the curriculum and as a club and competitive sport, is on safe participation in the water to competitive swimming within the South East Asian swimming circuit.


Young athletes are encouraged to try out for the Tiger Sharks swim teams, and squads train and compete on a regular basis. The coaches are focused on identifying talent and developing performance through highly knowledgeable programming and delivery of sessions. Though swimming is predominantly an individual sport, we work hard to instil the same positive attitudes we do across all sports which value high levels of respect, commitment, determination and teamwork.


The Tiger Sharks are developing a strong reputation within the Shanghai Swimming League (SSL), with some fantastic individual performances from our squad members.

Our swimmers train regularly after school with additional early morning and weekend sessions available.

These additional squad sessions are aimed at those competing within the Tiger Sharks swim team and offer invaluable full-hour sessions with the focus not only based on technique but also on developing the swimmers’ interpersonal skills in a sports environment and learning how to become a champion physically and mentally, developing transferrable skills for their non-sporting lives.


For more information about the rules of swimming at NAIS Pudong, visit our Swimming Rules and Regulations page.

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Volleyball is played by both girls and boys and has gone from strength to strength over the last few years. Both the boys’ and girls’ senior teams have had great success, which can be attributed to their commitment, dedication and team spirit. 

The NAIS Pudong Tigers compete in the East Division of SISAC and in the ACAMIS tournament. Over the years our boys’ and girls’ teams have competed at and been successful at numerous tournaments both within Shanghai and the wider area.

The success of senior volleyball has made our younger CISSA squad hungry for victory with a larger number of players than ever before, while our senior players attend training in a coaching capacity to develop the skills of junior squads that will stand the school in good stead for the future. It is our aim to provide the students in Years 7 to 13 with the opportunity to represent the school in volleyball fixtures in the CISSA league and SISAC leagues where we play against other international schools in Shanghai and surrounding provinces in a well-established fixture list. We also host and attend regular tournaments which involve a full day’s schedule of competitive games.

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Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS)
For our older students from Years 10 to 13, the highlight of the sporting year is the end of season ACAMIS tournament. Teams travel across China to compete in volleyball, basketball, netball, rugby, swimming and football tournaments. The students enjoy three days of intense competition with students from other schools and different cities. This is a great learning experience that not only builds teamwork but also draws outstanding performances from students.
Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA)
Students from Years 5 to 10 compete in the Red Group FOBISIA games, which are international sporting events held three times each year in a variety of locations. A team of multi-talented students is selected to compete in football, athletics, swimming and basketball in the U13 and U15 FOBISIA games, while the Primary FOBISIA games sees the students competing in swimming, athletics, football and T-ball. Being a member of FOBISIA allows the students to take part in competitive sport and make new friends. 
Shanghai International Schools Athletics Conference (SISAC)
The Secondary students in Years 10 to 13 have the opportunity to play high quality competitive sport in the SISAC leagues, with opportunities in Division One and Division Two ensuring that young sportsmen and sportswomen are playing at the right level to challenge and develop themselves. Students have the experience of hosting and playing away in football, volleyball, rugby, netball and basketball, as well as competing in cross-country, table tennis, badminton and athletics tournaments. Intense but friendly rivalries with other schools help to build team spirit and our students learn to win well and lose with good grace and determination to learn.
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Shanghai Swim League (SSL)
We have a very strong swimming programme and swimmers from Year 3 up train hard and compete regularly in high-level competitions throughout the year. The swimming team competes in the FOBISIA and ACAMIS swim meets on top of the SSL swim meets.


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