Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 March, 2025

Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

We wanted to share some exciting updates and learning highlights from last week as well as important upcoming events and reminders.

Sunflower Challenge Launch:

Last week, we kicked off the Sunflower Challenge across Reception and Nursery classes with a burst of enthusiasm! The children engaged in a thought-provoking thinking routine called 'See, Think, Wonder'. They explored various photos of sunflowers and shared their observations, thoughts, and wonders, showcasing their remarkable observation skills.

Learning Highlights:

  • Researching: The children delved into research, examining seed and exploring online resources to learn all about sunflowers. Together, they discovered that March is the ideal time to plant sunflowers, with a growth period of approximately 100 days.
  • Investigating: The children investigated the qualities of a good pot for a sunflower seed. They learned about the environmental benefits of using reusable materials, the optimal pot size for seedling growth, and the importance of drainage holes for adequate water flow.
  • Applying new knowledge: Building on their newfound knowledge, the children selected materials and began crafting their own plant pots, applying their learnings from the week.

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Early Years Campus Weekly Update - Early Years Campus Weekly Update

Year 1 Update:

In Year 1, the children have been immersed in the enchanting world of 'Old Bear'. They have been exploring time adverbials and delving into diary accounts. Throughout the week, they have been diligently working on their diary inserts during Big Busy Time, capturing their daily activities with details on when, where, and with whom.

Upcoming Events and Reminders:

  • School Photographs: This Friday, March 21st, we have scheduled our school photographs in the morning. Please ensure your child wears their full school uniform.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (PTCs): PTCs are scheduled for the week beginning March 24th. These meetings can be conducted face-to-face at the Sai Kung campus on Monday, March 24th, or online via Meet the Teacher on Wednesday, March 26th.

If you have not yet scheduled your meeting, please click HERE to select your preferred time slot.

Staffing Update

After nearly 7.5 years, Fiona Tang, our Admin officer at NAIS Sai Kung, will be departing from our Sai Kung Campus to work with our colleagues in Lam Tin.

I would like to express my gratitude to Fiona for her invaluable contributions over the past 7.5 years. Her dedication, professionalism, support, and warmth have had a profound impact on the children, parents, and staff of NAIS Sai Kung.

Additionally, I extend my congratulations to Fiona on her new appointment in our Primary Campus. They are fortunate to have her join their team, and she will be greatly missed by all of us.

This week, Fiona will work alongside our new Administrative Officer, Lilian Yuen, to settle her into our campus before moving across to Lam Tin. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Lilian.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's learning journey. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Yours sincerely,

Ruth Hanson
Head of Early Years