Clara Benacerraf
Clara Benacerraf
13 September, 2024

Writing a New Chapter

Writing a New Chapter - Writing a New Chapter
Writing a New Chapter

As we step into the new school year, Mr. O’Neill shared a powerful message with the students: starting school is like beginning a new chapter in the book of our lives.

This metaphor beautifully captures the essence of learning and growing: each year is a fresh page, full of new experiences, opportunities, and stories to be written.

Whether you are returning to school or starting for the first time, each student, teacher, and staff member is embarking on a new journey. Like in a book, where every chapter brings new challenges and triumphs, this school year will offer moments to learn, grow, and discover who you are.

Just like a great story, school is full of different characters (classmates, teachers, and friends), exciting plots  (new subjects, projects, and activities), and sometimes unexpected twists (challenges or changes). But every page adds to your story, and every experience contributes to who you are becoming.

In this new chapter, you can:

  • Set new goals: Think about what you would like to achieve academically, socially, or personally. A new year means new opportunities to grow.
  • Try new things: Whether it is joining a club, learning a new skill, or making new friends, stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to exciting discoveries.
  • Embrace growth: Mistakes and challenges are part of every great story. Rather than viewing them as setbacks, see them as chances to learn and build resilience.

In the words of Mr. O’Neill, the best part of this metaphor is that you are the author of your story. Every decision you make shapes the journey ahead. Whether it is choosing to study a little harder, be kinder to someone, or ask for help when you need it, each action writes a part of your narrative.

It is also important to remember that, just like any great story, there will be highs and lows. Some days might feel tough, while others will feel full of successes. Both are equally important in shaping who you are and the story you are writing.

At ICS, we are not writing these stories alone. We are part of a community where we can support each other through the different chapters of our individual journeys. Your teachers, friends, and counsellors are here to help you through any bumps in the road and to celebrate your successes along the way.

As we embark on this school year, take a moment to think: What do you want this chapter of your life to look like? What will you learn? Who will you become?  

Let’s embrace this new chapter—a year full of learning, growth, and the chance to create the next part of your unique story!