13 June, 2024

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Journey to Pulau Ubin

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Journey to Pulau Ubin - Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Journey to Pulau Ubin
Dover Court International School students recently embarked on the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Journey to Pulau Ubin. After 10 weeks of training and preparation, 48 students in Years 9 and 10 successfully completed their journey.

We are delighted to share the recent success of our Bronze Adventure Journey as part of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. Over the course of 10 weeks of training and preparation, 48 students from Years 9 and 10, along with 8 dedicated staff members, embarked on this great learning experience to Pulau Ubin. This journey was more than just a physical expedition; it was a powerful demonstration of our students' navigational expertise, teamwork, resilience, and culinary creativity.

Our young adventurers displayed exceptional navigational skills throughout the journey. They skillfully plotted their courses using a map, carefully considering which route to take to ensure success. They demonstrated not only their understanding of the terrain but also their ability to make important decisions under the pressure of Singapore’s intense heat, thus ensuring they stayed on the right path and reached each checkpoint successfully.

The journey emphasized the importance of teamwork, and our students performed splendidly. They supported each other at every step, sharing responsibilities, encouraging one another, and solving problems together. Their collaborative spirit was inspiring, proving that success is a collective effort. From setting up tents to managing group tasks, their cooperation was key in overcoming their challenges.

One of the journey's highlights was the students' ability to prepare their meals from scratch using camping stoves and basic kitchen utensils. This task required not only culinary skills but also resourcefulness and planning. Our students enthusiastically embraced this challenge, creating delicious and nutritious meals that fueled their bodies and spirits. From pasta dishes to honeyed pancakes, their prepared dishes were a delightful showcase of their ingenuity and teamwork.

We would like to congratulate all the students who participated in the Bronze Adventure Journey. The students’ determination and companionship embody our Dover Court values of fostering resilient, collaborative, global citizens.

We would also like to thank the parents and teachers who made this journey possible. Your encouragement and support towards the children and the Duke of Edinburgh Award is invaluable.