Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 January, 2022

A Cultural Celebration - Language Week at Dover Court

A Cultural Celebration - Language Week at Dover Court Celebrating the Chinese New Year has always been a tradition of the Language Department and 2022 has been no exception. Teachers and students all worked hard to prepare for this special occasion, putting on an unforgettable intercultural show that would awaken your senses and take you on a trip around the world.

Celebrating the Chinese New Year has always been a tradition of the language department and 2022 has been no exception. Teachers and students all worked hard to prepare for this special occasion, putting on an unforgettable intercultural show that would awaken your senses and take you on a trip around the world.  

Starting the festivities, students in Years 7 filed into the Red Dot Restaurant to get their share of freshly cooked, mouthwatering French and Chinese delicacies. This sensory experience reached its climax when students ordered their dishes in the target language thus practicing the skills they had learnt in class and using the delightful “Je voudrais un croissant s’il vous plait” that will never grow old.

The international journey continued midweek with some incredible virtual excursions that took the Year 12s to the Palace of Versailles, the Tour of Barcelona, and the Jiuzhaigou National Park. Visiting these national treasures provided the students with very good cultural, historical, and architectural insights that they will always remember, and hopefully plan to visit once the global pandemic has ended.

Following in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg, our Year 10 Mandarin specialists were offered a breath-taking virtual trip to the Great Wall of China – the largest man-made project in the world. Students were able to study its fortifications, look at its incredible towers, and were delighted with relief to find out that they would not have to walk along its 21000 km stretch. Year 10 Historians however went on a different track and investigated Chinese history and studied its key dates, artefacts, and most importantly it’s dynasties.

The week ended with a performance of the celestial Lion Dance that teachers and students had rehearsed intensively. This outstanding performance featured the fantastic relationship between art, culture, music, and languages.

After a spectacular week of celebration, full of visual experiences, it was time to focus on those for whom language learning is an inherent part of the curriculum: the students. Linguists of all ages were given their long awaited and well-deserved public recognition in a virtual assembly showcasing their commitment, hard work and dedication. Prize winners received celebratory vouchers and house points.

Here at Dover Court, we cannot wait to see how the next language week will entail!

DCIS Secondary Language Department