Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 April, 2020

Join DCIS in Celebrating Earth Day

icon quote
That's here. That's home. That's us.
Carl Sagan
Join DCIS in Celebrating Earth Day Earth Day is celebrated 22nd April. This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and we are looking at our planet from a very different perspective.

Earth Day is celebrated 22nd April. This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and we are looking at our planet from a very different perspective.

The theme of this year's Earth Day is climate change, a topic that is a very relevent, evolving around three Global Development Goals: 13, 14 and 15.

Earth Day  Global Goals 13 Climate Change Goal 13 addresses the needs of developing countries to both adapt to climate change and to support vulnerable regions.

Earth Day  Global Goals 14 Life Below Water Goal 14 focuses on the conservation and sustainably use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Earth Day  Global Goals 15 Life On LandThe aim of Goal 15 is to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of our ecosystems, to sustainably manage forests and to stop and reverse land degradation.

To read more about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the World's Largest Lesson click here.

On Earth Day we can all make a difference, we can all be part of the change. While the current situation forces us to stay at home we are still more connected than ever before.

During the 24 hours of Earth Day we ask the Dover Court community to be part of the celebrations of our planet. Here are a few suggestions what you can do.

Earth Hour
Turn off all light and aircon for an hour. Do something together as a family that doesn't require any electricity. 

Make a Window for the World 
Grab your art supplies and make an Earth Day poster to put up in your window for your neighbours to see.

Earth Poetry
Write a poem about our fantastic planet. How can we better take care of it together?

Wear Green
Dress in green to show your support. Do you have old clothes that you don't really wear? Upcycle them and create something new!

Nature Watch
The Red Dot may be the world's third most densely populated country, but we still have an amazing wildlife. To celebrate the diversity of our planet, go on a nature watch from home! 

It’s simple. Sit quietly in your garden, on your balcony balcony or in your window area and look out and see what you can: birds, butterflies, insects or maybe even wildlife.

Record what you see. Take a picture. Keep a log of your nature watch with pictures and notes. Use the internet to find out the exact name of the species. Nature is precious. Let’s see how many birds, butterflies, insects and animals we can see and share together!

Create Your Own Act of Green
Do you have any ideas how we can support the earth together? How do you live green at home? How can we be greener in school?


As always, we would love to see photos and videos of your work. Email us at