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News image Pagelink Blog | sport
Super League Triathletes visit Dover Court
100 Dover Court students had the amazing opportunity to train with four Super League Triathletes.
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News image Pagelink Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Year 6 Exit Point
As part of their new IPC topic ‘AD 900’, Year 6 students took part in a ‘Meet and Greet’ session in the school canteen for their entry point.
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News image PagelinkimageDoverCourtYear2StudentsRaiseMoneyforaGoodCause Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Dover Court Year 2 Students Raise Money for a Good Cause
Year 2 excitedly opened the doors to their very own shop in order to raise money for the worthwhile Indonesian charity -
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News image PagelinkimageSecondarySchoolAssemblyEnquiryby7LCand7EB Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
7LC and 7EB's Enquiry Presentation at Dover Court Secondary Assembly
The students worked together fantastically to present an assembly about the importance of curiosity and bravery.
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News image PagelinkimageDoverCourttoParticipateintheU13FOBISIAGames Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Dover Court to Participate in the U13 FOBISIA Games
On Wednesday 20th February, 24 DCIS students from Year 7 and Year 8 will travel to Phuket, Thailand, to compete in the U13 FOBISIA Games.
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News image Link2 Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article
Parent Workshop - Positive Behaviour Approach in Primary at Dover Court
Ms Lebihan and Miss Prince outlined the Primary School behaviour policy including Gold Jars, fuzzy bees and learning bee hives.
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News image Link Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Dover Court Year 8 put their Mandarin to the test
On the 12th of February, all year 8 Mandarin class students went on a language learning activity to the Singapore Polytechnic canteen.
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News image PagelinkimageSecondarySchoolMandarinIdol2019 Blog | artsAndCulture | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article
Secondary School Mandarin Idol 2019
Secondary school students, staff and parents gathered to watch Dover Court’s first ever Secondary Mandarin Idol concert.
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News image PagelinkimageYear4KotaTrip Blog | visitsAndTrips | Homepage Featured Article | Visits and Trips
Kota Year 4 Residential Trip
What an amazing experience! Year 4 have now completed their residential to Kota and they have made fabulous memories that they will never forget.
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News image Pagelink Blog | studentachievement | Homepage Featured Article | Student Achievement
Dover Court Students Participate in FOBISIA Maths Challenge Competition in Brunei
On Thursday 24th January, four of our Year 6 students set off for the FOBISIA Maths Challenge Competition at the International School Brunei.
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News image Pagelink Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Year 6 Transition Day
It was a pleasure welcoming our Year 6 students to the Dover Court Secondary School on Thursday.
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News image Pagelink Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Dover Court Undefeated in U14 Netball
The Dover Court International School Under 14 Netball A-team finished their season with three outstanding matches.
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