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News image link News | artsAndCulture | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article
Voice Workshop for Dover Court's Arabian Nights Cast
Last Friday the cast of ‘Arabian Nights’ took part in a fabulous voice workshop delivered by the wonderful Centre Stage School of the Arts.
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News image Link News | artsAndCulture | Arts and Culture
SOLScape - Dover Court Student Featured in I-Opener Exhibition at Playeum
We are extremely proud to share that our student Sol, in Year 8, is one of the featured artists in Playeum's new exhibition I-Opener.
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News image Link News | visitsAndTrips | Nord Anglia Education | Visits and Trips
NAE Expedition - Tanzania 2019
Earlier in the spring a group of Dover Court students travelled to Tanzania to undertake community work together with other NAE students and the charity Seeway.
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News image PagelinkimageVesakDayCelebrationatUpperPrimaryAssembly News | artsAndCulture | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article
Vesak Day Celebration at Dover Court's Upper Primary Assembly
4AV and 4RG came together to teach the rest of their peers in Upper Primary about Wesak Day (the reason why we had a long weekend).
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News image PagelinkimageYear6MissiontoMars News | School News
Mission to Mars - Space Academy at Dover Court
Year 6 launched their exciting new IPC topic ‘Mission to Mars’ with a grueling Space Academy.
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News image PagelinkimageEntryPointDoverCourtAirport News | Homepage Featured Article | School News
Entry Point "Dover Court Airport"
As part of the Entry Point 2HB and 2SK set up their classroom as if it was an airport.
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News image PagelinkimageSportsReadyNetballWorkshop News | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Sport Ready Netball Workshop at Dover Court
Sunday 26th May saw the DCIS netball courts burst into life with pupils and spectators for a Sport Ready netball workshop.
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News image Link Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Homepage Featured Article | Student Achievement
Year 13 Graduation 2019
Yesterday was a momentous day for Dover Court International School. For our first cohort of IB students, Thursday 23rd May marked their final day of exams and for all of our Year 13 students this day also marked their Graduation.
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News image PagelinkimageJuniorACSISSwimMeetvsUWC News | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Dover Fins Competed in Junior ACSIS Swim Meet at UWC
Last Saturday, the junior section of Dover Fins attended the Junior ACSIS Swim Meet at UWC Dover along with 500 other international school swimmers.
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News image Link News | servicelearning | Service Learning
Rhino United Bake Sale at DCIS
Rhino United is a small group of Year 6 girls who want to raise awareness and money for endangered rhinos.
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News image Year 11 Graduation 2019 Link 540x329 Blog | studentachievement | Student Achievement
Year 11 Celebration at Dover Court
Congratulations to all our hard working Year 11 students on the completion of their school year. We wish them the very best of luck in their examinations.
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News image Pagelinkimage2MDScavengerHunt Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
2MD Scavenger Hunt
Students in 2MD took part in a scavenger hunt to round up their unit on time.
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News image U11 FOBISIA team page link 540x329 Blog | studentachievement | Homepage Featured Article | Student Achievement
Dover Court Shines in the Primary FOBISIA Games
Last week 40 of our Year 5 and Year 6 students flew out to Phuket, Thailand to compete in the Primary FOBISIA Games.
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News image PagelinkimageSecondaryAssembly190503GlobalCitizensby7CM Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Global Citizenship Assembly by 7CM at Dover Court
7CM first noticed the variety of nationalities in our form for UN day in Term 1. When we received the theme of global citizenship for our assembly, it seemed like a great opportunity to further celebrate our diversity.
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News image PagelinkimageYear6LearningShowcase Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Year 6 Learning Showcase at Dover Court
As our AD900 IPC unit came to a close, Year 6 students invited their parents into school to take part in a Learning Showcase where students shared a variety of learning outcomes from the previous eight weeks.
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News image Pagelink Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Dover Court Students Participate in Metasprint Triathlon
For the first time ever Dover Court entered a team in the Metasprint Triathlon Series. We were well represented with over 30 students competing in the school point score. For many of the children it was their first time competing in a triathlon - these kids raced very bravely and came away smiling.
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News image Years3and4HouseMathsDayLink Blog | houses | Homepage Featured Article
Maths House Day in KS1 and 2
Last Thursday, both Primary and Secondary School participated in the Maths House Day.
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