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News image PagelinkimageUpperPrimaryAssemblyMilkyWaysGotTalentby5HA5AMand5VS Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Upper Primary Assembly: Milky Way's Got Talent by 5HA, 5AM and 5VS
On 1st March 2018, earthlings gathered to watch a collection of planets, rocks, nebulae and even aliens perform in a colourful performance of The Milky Way's Got Talent.
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News image PagelinkimageSecondarySchoolAssemblyResilienceby8HBand8ST Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Secondary School Assembly: Resilience by 8HB and 8ST
Secondary School classes 8HB and 8ST led an assembly on Resilience. The students shared definitions of resilience as well as sharing some wonderful strategies with their peers to develop this quality in themselves.
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News image PagelinkimageCollaborationby10JFand1112JF Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Collaboration by 10JF and 11/12JF in the Secondary Assembly at Dover Court
Classes 10JF and 11/12JF performed a class assembly focusing on our vision for collaboration and how important it is.
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News image Pagelink Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
6TH and 6RC Assembly: Dover Court Freedom Fighters
Here in Year 6, we (the students in 6RC and 6TH!) have been working hard over the last few months to develop and perform our very own assembly!
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News image PagelinkimageDoverCourtYear2StudentsRaiseMoneyforaGoodCause Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Dover Court Year 2 Students Raise Money for a Good Cause
Year 2 excitedly opened the doors to their very own shop in order to raise money for the worthwhile Indonesian charity -
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News image PagelinkimageSecondarySchoolAssemblyEnquiryby7LCand7EB Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
7LC and 7EB's Enquiry Presentation at Dover Court Secondary Assembly
The students worked together fantastically to present an assembly about the importance of curiosity and bravery.
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News image PagelinkimageWorldScholarsCup Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories | Visits and Trips
World Scholars' Cup
Three Dover Court students had the amazing opportunity to compete in the World Scholars' Cup at Yale University.
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News image PagelinkimageRemembranceDay Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Remembrance Day Service at Kranji War Memorial
Last Sunday members of the Dover Court community participated in the annual Remembrance Day Service held at Kranji War Memorial.
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News image PagelinkimageFutureTechnologyAssemblyPresentationby9SW Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Future Technology Assembly Presentation by 9SW
9SW independently spent time researching and enquiring how technology might change and alter in the near future.
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News image Pagelinkimage3JCand3JRAssemblyFootprintsfromthePast Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Student Stories
3CS and 3JC Assembly: Footprints from the Past
During this half term the children in Year 3 have been learning all about Footprints from the Past. 3CS and 3JC shared what they've learned about dinosaurs in their assembly.
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News image PagelinkimageSayNoToPlasticStraws Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Student Campaign: Say No To Plastic Straws
Lola in class 6TH has been busy trying to reduce the amount of single use plastic at DCIS. Her efforts are focussed around the banning of all plastic straws at school.
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News image PagelinkimageMalalaMagicPencil Blog | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Student Stories | Teaching Practice
Malala's Magic Pencil
This year's Global Library read is Malala's Magic Pencil, by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Malala Yousafzai. The children in Upper Primary were read the story by our librarian and then given the opportunity to share what they would use a magic pencil for.
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News image PagelinkimageLowerPrimarySchoolAssemblyFriendsAroundtheWorldby2MDand2SM Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
2MD and 2SM Assembly: Friends Around the World
During their assembly last week, 2MD and 2SM cooked up a recipe to make a good friend and shared their friendship poems.
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