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News image Year 5 IPC Topic The Holiday Show Link 540x329 Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Year 5 IPC topic: The Holiday Show
Year 5 took part in an exciting orienteering entry point around our campus as they discovered their new IPC topic: The Holiday Show.
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News image PagelinkimageDCAFamilyPicnic Blog | artsAndCulture | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article
DCA Welcome Back Picnic
DCA welcomed both new and returning families to their annual Welcome Back Picnic on Saturday 1st September.
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News image PagelinkimageYears5and6VisitsSingaporeRepertoryTheatre Blog | visitsAndTrips | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Visits and Trips
Years 5 and 6 Visit Singapore Repertory Theatre
Year 5 and Year 6 students went to the theatre to watch the Mandarin version of Dr. Seuss' ‘The Cat in The Hat'.
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News image PagelinkimageSecondaryAssemblyBeaPenguin Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Be a Penguin!
8AH presented an assembly this morning on the importance of resilience. The main message of the assembly was to never give up in the pursuit of your goals.
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News image PagelinkimageParentWorkshopElevateEducation Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Teaching Practice
Parent Workshop: Elevate Education
Elevate Education is an evidence-based research organisation that delivers award winning study skills, exam preparation and motivation workshops to schools in Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom, USA and South Africa.
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News image PagelinkimageNurseryPlayDay Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Student Stories
Nursery Stay and Play
We were delighted to welcome our youngest students for a Stay and Play session this morning.
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News image Top Tips for School Start pagelink 540x329 Blog | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article | School News
Top Tips for a Great School Start
With the new school year just around the corner DCIS staff, students and parents share their top tips for a smooth start.
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News image pagelinkimageSTEAMCompetitionWinnersRideonaSelfdrivingBus Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Student Stories
STEAM Competition Winners Ride on a Self-driving Bus
On Wednesday 27th June, a group of students from Years 3 to 6 had the remarkable opportunity to visit Nanyang Technological University’s self-driving vehicle centre.
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News image Les Martinets Switzerland Trip 2018 02 540x329 Blog | visitsAndTrips | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Visits and Trips
Global Campus Expedition: Les Martinets
The 10th of June saw 20 students, Mr. Woodhall and Mrs. Harris head out on an adventure to Switzerland. And what an adventure it was!
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News image pagelinkimageWorldScholarsCupGlobalRoundKL Blog | visitsAndTrips | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Visits and Trips
World Scholar’s Cup Global Round
Last week, five Year 8 students took part in the Global Round of the World Scholar’s Cup in Kuala Lumpur
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News image UNICEF Student Summit  Page Link Blog | visitsAndTrips | Homepage Featured Article | School News | Visits and Trips
Student Ambassadors to Visit the UN in July
As part of Nord Anglia Education’s collaboration with UNICEF, selected student ambassadors will visit New York from 6-13 July for the NAE–UNICEF Student Summit regarding the United Nation’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development
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