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News image Pagelink Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Workshop with Jasmin Colangelo for IB Theatre and GCSE Drama Students
The Drama Department was thrilled to welcome actor Jasmin Colangelo to school on Monday for a day of workshops.
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News image PagelinkimageCollaborationby10JFand1112JF Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Collaboration by 10JF and 11/12JF in the Secondary Assembly at Dover Court
Classes 10JF and 11/12JF performed a class assembly focusing on our vision for collaboration and how important it is.
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News image STEAM ECA with KS2 280219 Link 540x329 Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
STEAM ECA at Dover Court
For our KS2 STEAM ECA on Thursday afternoon, the children worked collaboratively to design and make catapults with the aim of creating the furthest trajectory.
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News image Pagelink Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article | Visits and Trips
Dover Court at FOBISIA U13 Games 2019
Departing Singapore on Wednesday 20th February, 24 excited Years 7 and 8 students headed to Thanyapura Sports resort in Phuket, Thailand, to participate in Dover Court's second U13 FOBISIA games.
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News image Pagelink Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
6TH and 6RC Assembly: Dover Court Freedom Fighters
Here in Year 6, we (the students in 6RC and 6TH!) have been working hard over the last few months to develop and perform our very own assembly!
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News image PagelinkimageDofEstudentsLearnLifeSavingSkills Blog | servicelearning | Homepage Featured Article | Service Learning
D of E students Learn Life Saving Skills at Dover Court
The Duke of Edinburgh award, being run for the first time at Dover Court led by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Tuckley, offers students a unique opportunity to develop skills and abilities beyond the academic.
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News image Pagelink Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Great Swimming by Dover Court Fins
Friday 22nd February was a busy evening for the Dover Fins swim team with two galas.
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News image UNI_LINK News | nordangliaeducation | Homepage Featured Article | Nord Anglia Education
Does it matter which university you choose?
Where you go is not who’ll you’ll be, were comments that sparked debate recently in the media and got many of us thinking, does that statement ring true for the university you choose? Windermere Preparatory School’s International Student Advisor Ruth Lahnston, Counselor Nancy Gerena and British International School Chicago, South Loop’s Director of Counseling Lindsay Kafitz say students should choose a university that is the best fit for them.
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News image PagelinkimageYear3ExitPoint Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Year 3 IPC Exit Point at Dover Court
Last Friday the Year 3 children celebrated their Exit Point for their Project topic, Temples, Tombs and Treasures!
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News image Pagelink Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Year 6 Exit Point
As part of their new IPC topic ‘AD 900’, Year 6 students took part in a ‘Meet and Greet’ session in the school canteen for their entry point.
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News image PagelinkimageDoverCourtYear2StudentsRaiseMoneyforaGoodCause Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
Dover Court Year 2 Students Raise Money for a Good Cause
Year 2 excitedly opened the doors to their very own shop in order to raise money for the worthwhile Indonesian charity -
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News image PagelinkimageSecondarySchoolAssemblyEnquiryby7LCand7EB Blog | studentStories | Homepage Featured Article | Student Stories
7LC and 7EB's Enquiry Presentation at Dover Court Secondary Assembly
The students worked together fantastically to present an assembly about the importance of curiosity and bravery.
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News image PagelinkimageDoverCourttoParticipateintheU13FOBISIAGames Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article
Dover Court to Participate in the U13 FOBISIA Games
On Wednesday 20th February, 24 DCIS students from Year 7 and Year 8 will travel to Phuket, Thailand, to compete in the U13 FOBISIA Games.
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News image Link2 Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article
Parent Workshop - Positive Behaviour Approach in Primary at Dover Court
Ms Lebihan and Miss Prince outlined the Primary School behaviour policy including Gold Jars, fuzzy bees and learning bee hives.
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News image Link Blog | teachingPractice | Homepage Featured Article | Teaching Practice
Dover Court Year 8 put their Mandarin to the test
On the 12th of February, all year 8 Mandarin class students went on a language learning activity to the Singapore Polytechnic canteen.
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News image PagelinkimageSecondarySchoolMandarinIdol2019 Blog | artsAndCulture | Arts and Culture | Homepage Featured Article
Secondary School Mandarin Idol 2019
Secondary school students, staff and parents gathered to watch Dover Court’s first ever Secondary Mandarin Idol concert.
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News image PagelinkimageYear4KotaTrip Blog | visitsAndTrips | Homepage Featured Article | Visits and Trips
Kota Year 4 Residential Trip
What an amazing experience! Year 4 have now completed their residential to Kota and they have made fabulous memories that they will never forget.
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