12 May, 2023

Words from our Director

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Hello CDS Families!

As a school, we recognize many of the achievements of our students, teams, and community members in our newsletters and publications. Whether it is for accomplishments in athletics, social activism or academics, we really enjoy highlighting our students. This week, I would like to spotlight two students, who happen to be brothers for their accomplishments in the Costa Rican Math Olympiad. Isaac Najmias has earned a spot to represent Costa Rica at the Central America and the Caribbean Math Olympiad to be held in El Salvador, and his brother Gabriel Najmias will travel to Japan to represent Costa Rica at the International Math Olympiad. Congratulations to both Isaac and Gabriel! We will all be here routing for you!!  

Please remember that one of the most important aspects of any successful school is its Parent Association. Our committed group of volunteers have been working to formalize our PA and create a structure that will help sustain the group's efforts far into the future. Having said that, it is time that many more of us joined the PA. As CDS parents, we are all members of the PA, but we would love to have more participation from families that may not have participated in the past. Please consider helping in the PA and if you would like to nominate anyone or yourself for the upcoming PA executive committee posts, please do so by Tuesday, May 16th. Our next PA General Assembly will be held on Friday, May 26th at 7:45 am. We would love to see you there! 

Have a wonderful and safe weekend.  

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Jack Young 